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"Look," The white apprentice whispered into the she-cat's right ear, nuzzling her cheek, "There she is!"

Ashpaw's heart leaped when she caught sight of the beautiful warrior she had heard so much about. Rosebloom, Ashpaw thought dreamily, The cat from the prophecy!

At the Fourtrees, the dusty colored she-cat sat magnificently in the center of the three Clans. She licked her fur majestically, absorbing in all of the attention. Rosebloom's eyes sparkled with a bright yellow glow. Ashpaw watched in awe, eagerly waiting to meet this cat of every cat's conversations.

"I can't believe that this is actually our first Gathering!" Lilypaw mewed beside Ashpaw. 

"And we get to meet Rosebloom, too!" Snowpaw sighed joyously, tail flicking slightly with excitement.

Ashpaw signaled with her tail for her fellow apprentices to be silenced. Rosebloom was walking in their direction. Heart throbbing in her chest, Ashpaw poked her head out from above Snowpaw, Mudpaw, and Lilypaw's, and stared anxiously at the brown she-cat, hoping to StarClan that she would notice her.

Suddenly, losing her balance, Ashpaw stumbled over her two colleagues, and into the path of Rosebloom's. Rosebloom let out a caterwaul of exasperation as she collided with the mangy tabby lump that happened to block her way.

"What on StarClan are you doing, you pesky flea-brain?" Rosebloom hissed.

Ashpaw tried to regain her footing, but stumbled again into the dirt. Now, cats from all Clans were staring directly at her. The new apprentice tucked her tail between her legs and slowly backed away from Rosebloom. 

"I-I'm sorry," Ashpaw stammered, "I didn't mean to-"

Rosebloom angrily spat at Ashpaw. "You didn't mean to?" She asked in indignation, "I highly doubt that! What's a stupid StormClan apprentice doing in my way? Oh, maybe she's trying to get attention to her lame, tick-ridden self!" She looked at Ashpaw with a snarl, "Cats like you should be fed to the monsters on the Thunderpath."  Rosebloom muttered quietly, and then strutted away back to her Clan.

Ashpaw, stunned with horror, slowly made way back to her Clanmates. Mudpaw comforted her with a lick on the ear, but it did nothing to sooth her. She trembled in both disgust, terror, and shock.

Rosebloom, according to the prophecy, was supposed to be a cat to save the Clans . She was supposed to be kind-hearted, generous, courageous, and would bring justice to the forest. The cat Ashpaw had just met was none of these. 

As her terror ebbed away, Ashpaw's heart was filled with something new - bitter rage. It wasn't fair to her that the cat prophesized to save the Clans was cruel and unfair to her. She made a silent oath to herself:

One day, I will get revenge on Rosebloom, even if it kills me.

Heart turned to stone, Ashpaw looked up to see Silverpelt sparkling in the sky. Cold resentment pulsed through her body, and her tail thrashed wildly.

"Ashpaw," Snowpaw nudged her, "Are you-"

The cats were interrupted when a yowl rose up from MeadowClan. It was the MeadowClan medicine cat, Silenttooth. Murmurs of shock echoed throughout the Clans. Silenttooth rarely spoke, as it was just simply not her nature.

Eyes blank, Silentooth rasped:

"The cat destined to save us all,

Must come forth to answer the call.

Kind, courageous, beautiful, and changed is she,

She will lead the Clans assisted by three.

She'll save us all from certain peril,

And stop us being the Clans destined to fail!"

A silence filled the forest. Ashpaw, frozen with anger, stared intensely at Rosebloom on the other side of the Fourtrees, who was now beaming with pride. 

Silenttooth had recited to the prophecy that had been directed towards Rosebloom. For this, Rosebloom had been pampered and loved by all the Clans. She had received the most special mentoring, training her for what was to come.

And yet there was Ashpaw, being trained by a cat who had just announced that she was expecting kits. Ashpaw's training would not be completed as quickly as the other apprentices. Jealously raged through the young tabby apprentice's veins.  

She would get revenge on Rosebloom one day.

She was sure of it.

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