Chapter 3

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The two cats trekked down the sloping, rocky hills into a seemingly placid field of emptiness. Ashleaf followed the wise Snowsong into the plains wordlessly. However, deeper into the meadow they went, Snowsong seemed uneasy and cautious.

"Why are you acting like that?" Ashleaf mewed as she noticed Snowsong duck below a patch of grass.

"We're in MeadowClan territory," Snowsong hissed back in a low voice, tail thrashing, "StarClan knows what will happen if they catch us!"

"Didn't you say that the cat, the one from you called it lived here? If so, why are we hiding? Aren't they supposed to be kind and loving? And who is this StarClan you keep mentioning? I thought you said there are only supposed to be three-"

"Shut your muzzle!" Snowsong snapped, and Ashleaf flinched at the white cat's sudden change of personality. Snowsong pointed her tail towards a shadow lurking in the thin grass of the plains, and Ashleaf suddenly understood. These shadows didn't look friendly. Finally, Snowsong hissed, "Run!" 

Ashleaf and Snowsong darted through the meadow as fast as they could dodging what seemed to be other cats. Once they finally crossed what appeared to be a scent border, the two cats collapsed in panting breaths.

However, before they could completely recover, they were approached by a large, golden tabby. She had stripes the color of sun rays and eyes a pale green. She was plump and seemed to be well-fed. The cat stared at Snowsong and Ashleaf as if she'd seen the most spectacular show in the forest.

"Am I really believing what I am seeing?" The cat meowed, seemingly amused.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Ashleaf stammered from behind Snowsong, who was dipping her head in embarrassment.

She let out a meow of laughter and then continued. "The great Ashstar cowering behind her medicine cat! What on StarClan is going on here?"

Snowsong growled, "If you'll excuse us, Sunheart, we have a Clan to run! Now," She turned to Ashleaf, "We must be going!" 

Ashleaf and Snowsong turned tail to the golden warrior, but before they walked away, Sunheart meowed back in a mocking voice, "Have lots of fun with that! The almighty Ashstar doesn't appear to be as fit for being leader as she seems!"

"Don't listen to her," Muttered Snowsong as the two cats bounded away, "She's only a warrior because she spent 23 moons in apprenticeship, and her mentor couldn't stand her anymore."

The brown and gray tabby stared at Snowsong blankly, "I have no idea what any of that means," She mewed, head bowed low in shame.

Snowsong purred lightly, and Ashleaf felt relief wash over her. Snowsong was no longer the fierce cat she had just seen. The tabby found that she liked the white cat better as she originally was. "A warrior is what all cat dreams to become," Snowsong replied rather cheerfully, "To be a warrior, a kit must begin apprentice training at six moons, and once he or she is proven worthy, they are given a warrior name and responsibilities in the clan."

"Oh," Ashleaf mewed, "So, Sunheart was not a very responsible warrior?"

"Nowhere near it," Snowsong teased, "At least, according to Silenttooth."

"Who is Silenttooth?" Ashleaf asked. The two cats crossed a few trees, where the scent of many cats was strong. 

"Silenttooth is the MeadowClan medicine cat. Like me. We meet at the Moonstone every half-moon. We speak with StarClan and talk about our Clans." Replied the white cat.

"What's a medicine cat? Who is this StarClan you keep mentioning?" Ashleaf pressed more questions. 

The white cat leaped over a few rocks. Ashleaf stumbled over a few of them, trying to keep up but failing all the while. "A medicine cat," Snowsong continued, "Is the cat that treats all the injuries and diseases of the Clan. That's my job. We also have a special connection with StarClan, and-" Noticing Ashleaf's annoyed expression, Snowsong went on to explain StarClan.


"So, basically, dead cats float in the sky?" Ashleaf mewed.

Snowsong inhaled slowly as the two stopped to rest for a moment. "No, that is not at all what I said. StarClan watches over us and guides us. They are the spirits of cats, helping us be the best clan we can be."

"We're almost back to camp," Whispered Snowsong. "It's right up ahead, in the empty field around the pond."

Ashleaf marveled at the beauty of the camp. Cats from all around were moving about in a clearing. "Whoa," She gasped, "And I'm supposed to lead them? All of them?"

"Sadly, yes," Snowsong mewed, "But without your memory, you'll have no idea what to do."

"It can't be that hard," Ashleaf retorted, "Come on! Introduce me to everyone!" She reared up, getting prepared to bound into the clearing.

Ashleaf was restrained by the white cat's tail blocking her passage. "What?" She mewed.

"There' more thing we need to discuss," Snowsong mumbled, eyes filling with sadness. "A leader...a leader is not permitted to speak of anything that occurs at the Moonstone."

"And?" Ashleaf hissed impatiently.

"Which means," The Medicine Cat sighed, "You cannot tell a single cat that you have lost your memory."

"What?!" Ashleaf whipped around in shock, "I can't tell them? But-"

"Calm down, Ashleaf," Snowsong mewed, "These cats already have faith in you. They have known you before and they will believe in you now. If you ever wish to speak about this incident, you must meet with me in private. The cats of StormClan must not know that their leader is without memory. We have already been much discouraged by recent...tradgedies. What you need to do now is show them that you can be strong. You must, for the sake of the Clan. They shall call you by your leader name, Ashstar. You must act as if everything went flawlessly. We shall carry on as if nothing has happened, and we will live on to be a prosperous Clan."

Ashleaf, stunned by these words, let out a wail of horror, "But Snowsong," She whimpered, "I can't. You expect too much of me."

"The old Ashleaf would have never said that," Snowsong observed, "You must have more confidence if you are going to lead a Clan."

The tragedy-stricken tabby closed her eyes, "Then chose another leader," She mewed quietly, fur bristling. 

Snowsong's eyes widened in horror, "No, Ashleaf! You mustn't say that! The Clan needs you! We need you! I need you," The white cat's voice cracked. "You can't leave. I will help you. We will get through this together! I will always be there. Just like I always have."

Ashleaf inhaled slowly. "Fine," She meowed at last, "But I have less experience leading a clan, or being a part of one than a kit!"

"It won't always be that way," Snowsong reassured, "The old Ashleaf was the strongest, most cunning fighter the Clan has ever seen. She had both marvelous skill and the sharpest instincts. You may have to relearn all the skills of a warrior, but Ashleaf's instincts are still there. You will recover them in no time."

The leader exhaled, not exactly in relief, but slight reassurance. "If you say so," She meowed. "Now," She said, looking down at the clan below, "Let's go run a Clan."

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