Chapter 1

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I was always up for a good party. Letting go, hanging out, it's what I lived for. Every weekend my friends and I drove around town looking for some party to crash and when we finally got there, we wouldn't know anyone. That's when the alcohol comes in handy. After we got a bit of alcohol coursing through our veins, we loosen up and stop caring what others think. It was a routine, but little did I know that our routine was about to change.

It was Saturday night and I was in the passenger seat of my best friend, Michelle's car. She was tonight's designated driver, since I was last weekend and Jane was the weekend before that. We had a schedule.

"Who's party are we going to again?" Jane asked from the backseat. Her blonde hair was straightened and parted down the middle, barely touching her bare shoulders. The strapless baby blue dress she was wearing clung to her body like it depended on it for survival.

"Brad's," Michelle answered. She was wearing a pair of high waisted black shorts and a long sleeve solid red cropped sweater. Her auburn hair was put in a braid that rested on her right shoulder.

As for me, my dark brown hair was loosely curled and went down to just past my breasts. I was wearing a white crop top with a black skater skirt and black wedges.

The three of us pulled into Brad's driveway. I guess it was a good thing he lived in the country and didn't have many neighbors- the music was so loud that the house was vibrating with the bass and the stench of alcohol filled the air. One by one, the three of us got out of Michelle's Acura and stepped onto the sidewalk that led us to the front door of his mansion.

We were immediately greeted by lots of red cups, booze and sweaty bodies. Smiling, I looked at Jane and picked up two cups half way filled with beer from a table close to me. I handed her one saying "cheers" under my breath, while earning a sad look from Michelle, who couldn't drink for the night. I brought the cup to my lips and let the warm liquid slip down my throat.


A few drinks and three shots later, I found myself stumbling into the woods behind Brad's house to get some fresh air. I found a tree that looked cozy enough and rested my body against it. I guess I started day dreaming because soon enough, voices snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Do you have the stuff?" A male voice asked. He had an accent. Almost British... perhaps it was Australian?

"Do you have the money?" Another male asked. His voice was deep, low and husky. I could tell he was American.

"Show me it," The first voice said. Hearing him speak again helped me confirm that he was indeed Australian.

"Show me the money, I'll show you the drugs." The American spoke. My eyes widened a bit. I had never seen a drug dealing before, or in this case hear.

"I don't trust you."

"Aw, come on Calum, you don't really think that low of me do you?"

"Yes, I do," The Australian, apparently called Calum, spoke. "Show me the stuff and no one gets hurt."

Neither one of them spoke. My ears strained for noises, only to hear the sounds of nature at night.

"Damn it, Greg!" Calum yelled. I jumped a bit, not expecting him to speak so loudly after a short silence. "You brought the wrong stuff."

"I'm sorry." Greg said, though his tone of voice didn't match the words coming out of his mouth.

"Now I'm going to have to kill you," Calum said. My heart sped up, did I hear him correctly? Did he just say he was going to have to kill him?

"Wait! Please, don't!" Greg begged, desperation clear in his voice. "I can't get you the right kind by tomorrow morning. I'll even throw in an extra five grams for free!"

"We don't want the stuff by tomorrow morning, we need it tonight." Calum argued.

"Don't kill me," Greg sobbed. "Please."

"Unfortunately for you Greg," Calum began. "I have strict orders."

The sound of a gun being cocked then fired filled the woods. I screamed. What else was I supposed to do? I mean for heaven's sake a man had just been killed, murdered!

"Shit," Calum muttered under his breath when he realized I had saw. He followed the sound of my scream and until he found me. I finally saw the boy who killed Greg, the murderer. He appeared harmless, cute even. He was tall, muscular and tan. The darkness made it rather difficult to make out his facial features.

"Please don't kill me," I sobbed, backing away from him. "I won't tell anyone, just please don't kill me." Tears were streaming down my face, the liquid sometimes falling on my lip, making me taste salt.

"I'm not gonna kill you," Calum swore, putting his hands out in the air. "I just need you to come with me."

"And if I don't?" I asked, swallowing a lump in my throat.

"Then I will kill you."

Gulping, I followed Calum through the woods and onto the street. He unlocked a black Jaguar and opened the passenger door for me. I got in and sat with my hands folded in my lap, watching him walk around the front of the car and into the driver's seat. I bit my lip as my thoughts began to get the better half of my mind. What will Michelle and Jane think when they can't find me later? Where is this monster taking me? Is anyone even going to notice? Surely my parents will, but will I be dead by then? My thought were discontinued when I realized we weren't moving.

"Aren't you going to drive?" I asked, annoyed, hungry and terrified.

"Where do you live?" Calum asked.

"Why should I tell you?" I rebounded.

"Because," Calum began. "I was going to take you home to get a change of clothes."

"To get a change of clothes?" I asked, earning a small chuckle from the murderer.

"You just sat there and watched me kill a man, I'm not exactly going to let you run around freely."

I contemplated in my mind wether or not I should tell him where I live. "342 Williams Street." I said, looking out the window. Calum started the engine and off we went to 342 Williams Street for what might be my last time.

so thanks for reading, I understand this is short but hey i gotta start somewhere. I think you guys are going to like this fanfic. Please leave feedback in the comments and vote if you liked it. You can also check out my other fanfic called Little Black Dress, it's a Luke one. Anyways thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next update.

Also follow me on twitter if you're into that @ihytoo

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