Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning around 11 after not getting much sleep. I laid in bed for a while, not wanting to get up or do anything except go home. After realizing that wouldn't happen anytime soon, I made my way to Calum's room like he told me too. I lightly knocked, not wanting to wake him up if he wasn't already.

A soft, "Come in," escaped Calum's mouth in a whisper.

Cautiously, I opened the door. He was sitting in bed wrapped up in the covers, reading a book. "Hey." He said, giving me a small smile and closing the book and setting it to the side on the nightstand next to the bed.

"Good morning," I said. I didn't know what to do with myself so I just stood in front of his bed.

"You can sit if you want," Calum said. "Y'know, make yourself at home..."

"I'm good." I said, standing there, not moving a muscle. "Actually, I'd like to go eat something. And maybe get some Tylenol. I have a huge migraine. But you told me to come here before I went anywhere else. So, here I am."

Calum abruptly stood up and made his way over to me. "Let's go get breakfast then," he whispered. He walked out the door, expecting me to follow him. Not wanting to be alone, I trailed close behind him.

When we entered the kitchen, I was immediately greeted with the distant smell of cigarettes and cheap beer. The kitchen was painted a light grey and had a granite countertop and wooden cabinets with a matching wooden floor. A boy with blacks and purple hair sat at the counter, an unlit cigarette in his hand and his phone in the other.

"Where's Skip?" Calum asked.

"He's out on business," The boy said. He looked up from his phone and his light green eyes found their way to me. "Who's this? Another one of your prostitute toys?"

"No," Calum said, quiet defensively. "Her name's Elise and she just got in the way of some business, that's all." He explained.

"I didn't get in the way of some business," I said, offended that he would put murdering a man that way. "I drunkenly stumbled into the woods and watched you kill a man! I don't think that's business, I think that's vile!"

"It's business." Both Calum and the boy at the counter said in unison.

I groaned, rolled my eyes and crossed my arms against my chest, making sure my distaste of the situation was evident.

"I'm Michael," The boy- Michael- said.

"And I'm hungry." I said, bluntly. I had come to Calum in hopes of getting some food, not making friends with another one of his gang members, no matter how cool of hair they had.

sorry this is so short I've been super busy the past month and ugh yeah I don't like this very much but I had to get it up so I hope you guys like it

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