The Beginning

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The girls sit around in a circle in the living room of their newly acquired dormitory, some listening intently as their manager speaks while others are in a half-sleep half-awake state.

Manager: Remember no talking about personal matters or issues that could compromise your images. It's better to keep private life private for the sake of your careers, SM does not want to have to Crack the whip down.

Hyoyeon: More?

Hyoyeon mumbled in a bored tone.

Manager: What?

Hyoyeon: Nothing, Oppa when are we getting a vacation? We've been working non stop for the past year and a half. This shit is ridiculous!

Manager: Definitely no cursing during interviews either! As for the just started what do you mean you want a vacation? Into The New World, Kissing You, and now Gee are earning you spots in the top charts. Your career is just beginning and you already want a vacation?

Yoona: Oppa its not entirely because of the amount of shows were doing nor is it the many interviews and shows either. It's the fact that we haven't seen our families and close friends for a while now, we want to go visit them and catch up on things, you know?

Seohyun: Yes I'd like to visit my mother and spend time with her.

The rest of the members agree with nods and soft mumbles, the sleepy members nearly fall down due to the amount of sleep deprivation. Not interested in anything any of them are saying other than getting some shut eye.

Sooyoung: Tae you're the leader what do you think? Should we get a vacation or should we continue to work like robots for another whole year?

Taeyeon deeply contemplated what to say, she was just given the role of leadership rather than being asked if it's what she wanted. She had no choice than to go along with the company's decision if she wanted to keep her place in Sonyuhshidae. But what exactly DID she want herself? She doesn't have much to do if she gets a vacation. She knows she would love to visit her family again and see her little sister, as well as her brother but at the same time she knows she can't stay with them for a whole year if they get vacation time. She's not really that close to her family as she would like, so she's not sure what to do. The idea of being alone doesn't appeal to her very much, but she wants to make her Soshi sisters happy.

Tiffany: Taeyeon?

Tiffany nudges Taeyeon who seems to be spaced out so badly that she can't hear any of the girls calling for her.

Tiffany: Tae?

Again no response.


Taeyeon: Who are you calling a pervert? Look who's talking lucky charms leprachaun! Go eat some vitamins so you can grow!

The girls erupt into laughter at the bickering shorties in front of them causing the rest of the girls to wake up startled at the amount of noise around them.

Manager: Alright calm down, Taeyeon what do you think about the vacation time?

Taeyeon: Uh....well....I'm not sure. I don't mind working longer I enjoy having a schedule, but at the same time I do want to take some time off to visit my family and see my brother and sister.

Manager: So you agree to request for a vacation then?

The girls looked intently at Taeyeon awaiting her response as if she were in some sort of game show and a million won were at stake if she gave the wrong answer.

Taeyeon: Umm.....

She looked around at the girls and saw the look on their faces. How could she say no to them? "Little fuckers you owe me" She thought to herself.

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