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?:Yah don't hit her! 

?:Well she's not waking up what do you want me to do!? 

?: Is she ...dead?

?: Unnie don't say stuff like that she's just sleeping.

?: We need to wake her up, oh my gosh she's sweating so much.

?: I'll wake her up. SUNNY SUNNY! WAKE UP YOU MIDGET! 


Sunny shouts back with a strained, raspy, and stuffy voice.

Sunny: *gasp* Where am I? Am I dead?

Seohyun: No unnie you're in your room. You were having a nightmare, most likely induced from the fever you have.

Sunny: Fever? 

Hyoyeon: Yeah what do you expect? You ran out of here without a jacket and fell asleep on top of a rooftop like some sort of hobo. If Sooyoung, Yoona, and I didn't find you you'd be in the hospital for frost bite.

Seohyun: Hypothermia

Hyoyeon: Bless you

Seohyun: No that's what it's called when the body temperature gets so low that you freeze.

Hyoyeon: Cool story bro.

Yuri: Yah Sunny-ah you should have taken your phone with you at least. You really are a silly bunny sometimes.

Sunny: Silly bunny?...STELLA! WHERE IS SHE!? OW! 

Sunny sits up abruptly and falls back on to the bed again holding her head due to the sudden blood rush.

Jessica: Take it easy bunny you need to rest. 

Sunny: But Stella, she's..she was..

Sooyoung: She was what?

Sunny: She was there, she came back. I saw her on the rooftop.

Sooyoung: Sunny, Stella isn't here you were dreaming. 

Sunny: NO I saw her she came back! 

Yoona: Unnie...she wasn't there, we found you curled up on the floor.

Sunny: But...

Sooyoung: Sorry Sunny

Everyone gives Sunny an apologetic sad look before each of them begin to step outside when Taeyeon goes into the room. They know she wants to talk to Sunny, she needs to, the only one that stays in the room is Sooyoung.

Taeyeon: Soo..

Sooyoung: Sorry Tae but I don't want to leave you two alone in a room. Not after last night.

Taeyeon: *nods sadly* I understand...Sunny I'm-I'm sorry. I'm really REALLY sorry for everything I said and did yesterday. I was just so frustrated with you losing your cool so quickly out of the blue and seeing you black out made me freak out a bit. I couldn't handle seeing you like that, I just wanted to.... 

Taeyeon begins to cry, halting her apology for a good minute before Sunny slowly lifts herself up and hugs Taeyeon, surprising her. 

Sunny: It's okay Taeyeonie don't worry I understand. I'm sorry too, I should have talked to someone earlier and kept my cool. It hurts so much to be away from her, she won't answer any of my calls or texts or....I'm sorry. 

All three girls are now hugging each other and crying hysterically, one due to the guilt she feels, the other out of frustration and sorrow, and the tall one because she hates seeing her friends cry like this. 

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