Truth & Establishments

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(Taeyeon's POV)

I feel so heavy but light at the same time, ugh ow my eyes! why is it so bright in here?

"*hoarse voice* Turn off the lights they're too bright."

Tiffany: Tae! *hugs Taeyeon* I thought you wouldn't wake up! don't scare me like that!"

"Can't breathe!"

Tiffany: Oh sorry

"Why are you freaking out anyway? why wouldn't I wake up?"

Sooyoung: You fainted after yelling at the maknae, your stress levels were too high.

"Yelling? me? the maknae? why would I yell at the maknae?"

Sooyoung: I'm gonna go get the doctor, she shouldn't be losing her memory it's not like she got a concussion or anything. She collapsed right on your arms.

Tiffany: She might just be having short term memory loss, she'll remember soon.

"Hey I'm right here."

Tiffany: *ruffles hair* Yes you are and I love you for that!

Hyoyeon walks in with a tray of coffee followed by Yuri, I wonder where Jessica is?

Hyoyeon: Hey she's awake!

Yuri: Yah you nearly gave us a heart attack kid!

"Sorry but fainting is out of my control. Where are the rest of the girls?"

Sooyoung: Seohyun left to get Sunny

Hyoyeon: Yoona went with her

Yuri: Really? Aish that kid is starting to worry me.

Hyoyeon: Have you noticed she's been following her around like a puppy dog lately?

Yuri: Not really, I just hope she isn't catching any feelings for the maknae.

Hyoyeon: Why not?

Yuri: Come on Hyo, Seohyun isn't interested in boys let alone girls. She's more asexual than a plant. While Yoona is more sexual than Hugh Hefner's playboy bunnies combined.

Jessica: Don't talk about my child that way Kwon!

Oh..there she is.

Yuri: AH! I-I thought you were sleeping.

Jessica: How can I possibly sleep when you two are making such a ruckus!?

Yuri: Sorry Sica baby.

Sooyoung: *rolls eyes* Anyway Tae how are you feeling now that you got some rest?

"Hmm I don't know, my body feels heavy but light at the same time and my eyes feel like they've been yanked out then placed back into my sockets."

Doctor: That's normal Ms.Kim, I am Doctor Ming and this is Nurse Park she's been looking after you for the past day.

This guy, really? Normal my ass!

"Past day? How long was I out?"

Nurse: You were asleep for nearly 22 hours Ms.Kim. I've been checking your vitals, changing the IV bags, and tending to you since you were brought here.


Tiffany: Relax Tae I called manager Oppa to let him know what happened. He called the company right away and cleared our schedules for three days.


Tiffany: Yeah everyones

Jessica: We weren't just going to show up to events without getting any sleep. Plus we were down two members, you and Sunny. Also...

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