Ups & Downs

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(Third-Person POV)

Younha: Miryo have you found Rogue yet?

Miryo: No but maybe you could get off your ass and go look for her too, MA'AM!

Younha: *raises eyebrow* You're in one of your moods again aren't you?

Miryo: No I'm just frustrated that you insist on speaking to me as if I were a child or some sort of servant. I'm older than you show me some respect!

Younha: I speak to you as a leader Miryo!

Miryo: Sure whatever.

Younha: Ugh *hugs Miryo* I'm sorry okay? I'm having a hard time loosening up, I know I've been a total bitch ever know what. I just don't want the same mistakes happening again, I don't want to lose anyone. I...would rather keep my distance and be cold, so it doesn't hurt later.

Miryo: You sound like Rogue. now

Younha: She's the one who suggested I turn cold, shut down emotionally, "Learn to be lonely" is exactly what she said.

Miryo: You turned bitter just because she said learn to be lonely? oh my goodness Younha hahahahahahahaha.

Younha: What's so funny!? 

Miryo: Learning to be lonely means that she wanted you to accept the fact that we are all truly alone in the end. People are fickle, we need to be-

Rogue: Independent on our own, no one will remain loyal until the end unless they commit fully from the beginning. Learning to be lonely doesn't mean that you should turn cruel and bitter, just learn to control your emotions better. 

Hani: In other words be a carcuss like you?

Rogue: Hmm sure if that helps. How have you been kid?

Hani: Good, I'm not a kid I'm an adult.

Rogue: Hahaha sure and I don't hate the world.

Hani: I see you still remain emo.

Rogue: I'm not emo I'm realistic, the world is a horrible place and we aren't exactly doing all we can to change it. We're just taking out the trash while leaving an open slot for more idiots to roam around doing the exact same thing. It never ends, we live in a perpetual cycle of hate, crime, and every other bad thing out there.

Sunny: What about the good things?

Rogue: What good things?

Sunny: I don't, happiness, just good things in general. 

Rogue: I think you'll eventually find that the bad outweighs the good. ANYWAY enough of all the gloom let's get started....where is everyone? they should have been here by now.

Sunny: Hyomin and Eunjung are in the cafeteria.

Rogue: The what? 

Sunny: The cafeteria.

Rogue: Come again?


Hani: *clears throat* Umm Sunny-ssi here it's called the mess hall.

Sunny: ....

Rogue: I run this shit military Ms.Lee please refer to this guide.

Rogue slides a massive book across the table to Sunny. Sunny stares at Rogue with a raised eyebrow. 

Sunny: You really think I want to read any of this? *flips pages* the only thing I want to read is the map location of where my girlfriend is.

Rogue: Can she still be called that? 

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