Chapter 1-Bruises and Lies

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   He  seemed to watch me closely with a small glare on his face.  I winced again as my head began to throb.  How is it that he could get inside my head?  I fell to the ground letting go of my kunia.  The only protection I had at the moment.  I clenched my teeth as the agony increased. 

   Then it stopped.  "I'm not here to take you...just yet. I have other plans right now."  He slammed his knee into my chest and I hit the wall.  I didn't make a sound.  He was beneath me. 

   My breathing became rapid as I felt his mind invading mine.  He knew exactly what I thought.  I looked up just in time to see his fist coming forwards.  I dodged quickly and realized he was just barely showing his strength.  I needed to become stronger.  Stronger than him.... and this village would not help me.

   I winced as I felt another blow to my stomach and I fell to my knees.  His elbow slammed into my neck and I grunted.  My body was overwhelmed with pain but I refused to give in.  Giving in would mean showing him he was strong.  Weakness was not something I would show him.  Not even on my death bed.

   He gripped my hair and leaned forward to whisper in my ear," If you're not strong enough to protect yourself, how do you expect to protect Kenichi?  If he's holding you back from your full potential, I will kill him Ren.  I will see you soon."  I felt my head slam into the floor below and black spots clouded my vision.  I needed to get stronger.

   I stood up and walked outside.  I grabbed kunia's and began throwing them at my target.  I began training harder and faster as I became irate.  How dare he come into my home and threaten MY little brother.  I threw my hands up and then back down and screamed as I dodged the water that had come out of the small pond. 

   My eyes became huge as the water stopped and soon became fire.  H-How was I doing this?  I picked up my stuff and walked back inside.  I ran to my room and grabbed the two things that I had left of my mother.  A ring and her diary.

   My mother's diary told of her time with my father.  I quickly searched through it trying to find out his abilities.  She had compared both of theirs trying to figure out how strong their child would be.

                                          Another day I have watched and recorded information on Nagato.  This child inside me is going to be powerful. 

     Pein's abilities- The rinnegan, 6 paths, many jutsu's

      My abilities- Controllingall elements with my hands,some jutsu's.

    Of course our childwill be strong.  I just hope she/he will be strong enough to escape him.  Nagato is coming.  Until tomorrow.


    I sighed knowing now what had happened.  I had gained my mother's powers, my father eyes.  I shook my head clearing my thoughts.  I needed my sleep.  I crawled into bed, wincing as my body slid into an uncomfortable position.


                 I woke up to Kenichi poking my aching head.  "Sissy, where did you get those bruises on your face?"  I slowly sat up.  "Training. Sorry we didn't go out to get you a treat Kenichi.  How about right after school today?"  A smile lit up his face as he nodded enthusiastically. 

    He jumped down and I got up and went into the bathroom.  I sighed as I saw the bruises on my face.  Two huge bumps on my forehead and a blue one on my cheek.  I slipped my clothes on quickly and walked downstairs.

   Kenichi and I ate and then set off for his school. 

  Once we got there I kissed his forehead and he ran inside.  I set off for the trainging grounds. 


     I slammed my fist into the now broken tree as my anger got the best of me.  I sighed knowing I needed to train more often.  However now it was time to go pick up Kenichi.

    I got there and once again the black haired man stood there again.  Well I guess he was about my age. 

  "What happened to your face?"  I looked up, shocked he had said something.  "Training," I lied quickly.  His gaze watched over me.  His eyes letting me know he knew I was lying.  "And the bruise in the shape of a hand print, I'm guessing that was training to?"  I quickly looked down and saw what he was seeing.  On my arm a hand print laid there.  It was also a purplish blue.   I ignored him as Kenichi came running outside.  "Sissy can we go get that treat you promised?"  I smiled as I nodded my head and he jumped on my back.  I noticed a small boy by the one who was just talking to me.  "Ni-san can we go with them?"  They both looked towards me as I nodded my head.  Kenichi jumped off me and started talking to the little boy. 

   The older boy looked at me as if he knew what I was thinking.  "I'm Itachi Uchiha.  This is my little brother Sasuke."  I smiled at them as I introduced myself.  "I'm Ren and this is my little brother Kenichi."  Itachi looked at me slightly confused.  "Ren...?"  "My mother's last name was Kun.  I do not know my father's."  He nodded my head and we began a small conversation.

   Who knew what the future would hold?

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