Comments and Commitment

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Once we got home I dumped the unicorn on the couch and called out to see if anyone was home. The house was silent and I smiled to myself walking into the kitchen to see a note on the bench.

"We are going out for dinner tonight and are going to Tom's after for a drink. Won't be home till late, have fun, be good. love Mum xx"

Excitement coursed through me as I sprinted to the couch grabbed my phone and texted Tom.

"Parents out, won't be back till late. Come over? xx"

I pranced back into the kitchen pulling out leftovers from the night before, ignoring the fact it was way too early to be eating dinner. I put the pasta in the microwave and tried not to think too hard about what might happen tonight. I was just about to start shoving pasta into my mouth when I noticed five new Facebook notifications. There was comment after comment on that same photo I had posted 24 hours beforehand. I realised straight away that the comments there now were very different to the one I had read early this morning.

"thinks she's too good for all of us!"

"Goos to know we were invited!"

I stared at my phone in disbelief unsure of whether or not I should keep reading.

"What the hell! He's way too good for her!"


"I wonder if he was dared to date her?"

I could feel the anxiety ripping at my chest as my heart began to sink, I scanned the rest of the comments and reply and it was just people tagging others for no reason. All these comments were mean but the worst part was that they had all been left by people I considered friends, Annica, Sarah, Molly, Harriet and worst of all Eloise.

I quickly deleted all the comments and checked my messages. I had one from Tom,

"See you in 5 xx"

I smiled at that and went to get changed and drag the duvet down the stairs.

When Tom arrived he was juggling a small tower of movies and a pack of choice chip biscuits. I followed him to the couch and he looked at me smirking and asking,

"Why so keen to see me?"

"I dunno guess I just got lonely and needed to see your face." I looked at him biting my lip.

"Are you ok?" He asked looking concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine." I aid this smiling unconvincingly.

He nodded, hugged me and played all the DVD's out on the table.

"So what shall we watch?"

"Harry Potter!" I yelled enthusiastically.

He laughed and press play on his laptop which was somehow connected to the TV.

Just like last time I snuggled down next to him in my pj's with the duvet over us.

"Deja vu isn't it" he muttered into my hair.

"It really is and not gonna lie I kinda like it," I said with a flirtatious lilt in my voice.

"mmm really?" he said suggestively

"shut up and watch the movie" I giggled.

He wrapped his arms around me and snuggled his face into the side of my neck. I smiled and tried to focus on the film. My phone buzzed on the table and my heart sank. I glanced at the screen and noticed it was another Facebook notification. Not wanting to deal with it right now I grab my phone, switch it off and pull the blankets around us tighter. I then began thinking about what had happened earlier that day getting so consumed with my thoughts I completely forgot that Tom was right behind me and jumped when he said,

"I can tell you're not watching. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing just some stuff I saw on Facebook earlier." Not really wanting to go into all the minor details.

"What was it? Was it Eloise?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it, it's just girly shit."

"No, tell me. It's obviously upsetting you. Who do I have to punch this time"

I laughed half-heartedly giving him my phone and scrolling back to all the comments. I watched his face drop while he read them.

"Aw, babe I'm so sorry!" He said with a mixture of pity and concern on his face.

"really its fine," I whispered only just holding back tears that threatened to ruin everything.

He looked at me, "Are you ok? they're being horrible ignore them their just jealous!"

I kissed him and smiled, "I'm better now."

He smiled kissing me again longer this time filling it with passion and a way that told me he was here for me better than he ever could have with words. I kissed him back and it was then that I got an idea. A terrifying, exciting, life changingly good idea. I slowly began moving off the couch dragging him with me. He moaned in protest but I said,

"Don't worry I'm not stopping any time soon..."

Once we got upstairs I hurriedly shut the door and hardly had to convince Tom to follow me. Once we were inside and the door was safely shut behind us he gently pushed me up against the wall. I giggled and kissed him messily his hands all over me making me out of breath and hardly able to control myself. I felt him pull away slightly, breaking the kiss to slowly pull my shirt over my head. I felt a rush of excitement as his hands ran over my now bare hips and back. His fingers now toying with my bra I took a sharp breath in saying, "wait." He pulled back quickly to see my reaction and make sure I was ok. I smirked at him and said,

"Your turn."

He looked me straight in the eye, stepped back and whipped his shirt off like an actor in a movie. I laughed and pulled his body back to mine kissing him as my hands moved to his hips and his lips to my neck. I tugged at his checked pajama pants pulling them down now leaving in his grey boxers. I ran my hands over his back and shoulders, board and warm. His arm came around my waist again as I nudged him towards my bed. He walked back slowly still kissing me. As he fell back onto the sheets I quickly stepped out of my blue PJ shorts now leaving me in a bra and underwear. I saw his eyes light up and scan my body.

"It's rude to stare!" I said sarcastically.

He smirked grabbing me around the waist and throwing me onto the mattress beneath him. I laughed feeling the air being knocked out of me as I hit the mattress. I ran my hands over his stomach feeling his warm body against mine as he kissed my neck his hands again going behind my back this time managing to unhook my bra. I pulled it off throwing it onto the floor pulling the blankets around us and holding him close as he kisses down my neck and chest. He pulled back suddenly and looked at me.

"Isla we both know where this is going. I know you aren't yourself right now and I really don't want you to do anything you regret. I'll only do what you want and if you decide you don't want to I will totally understand"

I smiled shyly looking at his face flooded with honesty and concern.

"Believe me, Tom, I'm as sane as I'll ever be. I wasn't ready last time but that was 3-4 months ago. I love you and I want it to be you."

He smiled as he kissed me and ran his hands over my midriff slipping his thumb into the side of my underwear and pulling them down slightly. As he kissed me I did the same too with his boxers a little afraid that crazy excited for what would come next, my body humming with anticipation and need for him. 

Afterwards I lay there in his arms so content and happy I could cry. As I lay there in his arms with only the duvet to cover us I looked up at my little starfish dangling from the window and realised I couldn't be happier or feel anymore free then I did now. I couldn't care less what anyone else thought. None of them felt as loved as I did right now and none of them have felt how I did only a few minutes ago. I let myself drift off to sleep then with the boy I loved so much breathing gently beside me with the slightest ever upward turn on his lips. 

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