How Regrettable

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There standing right behind me looking like he had just seen a ghost was Tom. I then got a text on my phone also from Tom,

"Come meet me at the movie theater we can watch movies and eat popcorn xx"

I looked up at him speeches as I saw his face slowly fill with rage. He then turned quickly and stormed down the front steps and out onto the footpath. I looked at Adam desperately and ran after him.

"Tom, please come on." He turned around and looked at me attempting to control his anger.

"How the hell could you do that to me?" I looked at him furiously feeling my face getting hot with anger,

"do this to you? Do this to you? Are you serious right now? What about yesterday Tom what about Eloise with her arm around your waste?!"

He laughed maliciously.

"Oh yeah, that well you will be pleased to know that she put her arm around me then tried to kiss me insisting that you aren't worth my time. Because I am not a total douche bag I pushed her away and told her never to touch me again... She stormed off all angry and I then understood why you hated her so much!" I looked at him shell-shocked and hardly knowing what to do with myself.

"Clearly she had a point though didn't she Isla I really thought you were different..." I stood there in disbelief as he began to walk off again. I pulled his arm back,

"Tom look I am so, so sorry I didn't mean for anything like this to happen I swear. We were in there and when we came out he kissed me. I knew he liked me and I just wanted to get back at you because I thought you were off somewhere making out with Eloise!" He looked at me with an expression of disgust and said,

"Yeah well go back and give him what he wants. Go and keep playing your childish games!" This time I didn't pull him back as he walked away. I just watched him go hardly able to breathe with the feeling that I had just lost everything I cared about.

Adam drove me home in silence and once we were out the front he put his hand on my knee and tried to apologise.

"Don't worry it was my fault not yours?" I said looking at him desperately. He nodded before looking at me again with those soft brown eyes that got me every time. It was getting late and I had already texted Tom about six times praying every time that he would respond. It wasn't until the next day at school when he wasn't there and hadn't texted anyone not even his best mate Daniel, that I started to worry. After school, I called by his place to see if he was home. No one answered the door so I decided to call his mum. She answered the phone timidly and with the sound of someone who had been crying a lot and sleeping very little.

"Hi Ms. Mathews, it's Ilah. I was just wondering if Tom is ok? He wasn't at school today and I haven't heard from him since yesterday." I heard her sniffing on the other side of the phone before she replied,

"Oh darling has nobody told you...?" I felt my heart drop, "Told me what? What's wrong?"

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