Cough Cough

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(AN- beware of hints of something that has a bigger play in the story in Jefferson's POV so ye look out for that~)


I stop at a small building on campus and knock on the door to hear a welcoming come in. I open the door and see Professor Washington smiling up at me.

"Good morning Mr. Laurens. What is it that you need?" he asks nicely.

"I- uh.. I'd like to switch dorms." Washington frowns.

"Uh- alright. With who are you switching with?" I think for a second. Before figuring Jefferson and Alexander might as fucking well have the dorm to themselves.

"Thomas Jefferson, sir." he half smiles and nods. Writing something down on a piece of paper.

"Your new roommate is James Madison, but I'm guessing you already knew that" I nod.

"Have a good day Laurens."

"You too Washington." I close the door behind me and head out to find Madison.


I find him sitting on a bench under a tree reading a book. I walk up to him, and he sees me. The half smile on his face from reading his book changed into a frown. He looks about to get up to leave but I call after him.

Wait! James, I need to talk to you!" He looks as if he's weighing his options, and sits down with a sigh. I sit down beside him.

"First off, are you and Thomas still dating?"

"Not anymore. I broke up with him." he shares his head.

"Yeah, he helped Alex break up with me. In one of the harshest ways possible too." he chuckles.

"That'd suck." I nod.

"So I uh- I talked to Washington." he tilts his head.

"And I'm switching with Jefferson. So him and Alex are going to be rooming together now, and then it's you and me... In your dorm." he smiles.

"Actually, that sounds great. I'd be glad to get out of the same dorm as Thomas." I smile at him.

"Cool! Wanna help me pack and kick Thomas from our dorm?" he laughs.


We walk to my old dorm, chuckling at jokes we made about the other's ex. When we arrive at the dorm I open the door, to find everyone still there. Lafayette scolding Thomas in French, but stopping when he sees me. Everyone looks at me actually. I turn to James.

"The uh- my suitcases are in the spare room.." he nods, understanding.

"I'll get them." he hurries off the the spare room to find them, and I push past my friends to gather my things. Alex follows me into my room.

"John why is Madison-"

"Shut up."


"I said shut up. Get away from me Hamilton." I look at him, and see the hurt in his face as he walks out, and James walks in. Smiling at me. I smile softly back and he helps me pack my things. When I come out of my room, hugging one of my suitcases(Madison has the other two) everyone states at us again. Peggy steps up to me.

"John what are you-" she's cut off by James.

"Switching with Thomas~"

"WHAT!?" both Alex and Thomas say at the same time. I shrug.

"yeah. Thomas, get yo shit outta my dorm or I'm gonna burn all of that shit." James laughs, I joked about how I'd burn all Thomas' shit if he didn't get it out of there by tomorrow so he was ready to laugh. I smile at James slightly then shift my game to Thomas, his mouth wide open(as well as life all of my friends). I sigh.

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