Just Because You Say That Doesn't Make It True

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Tbh I forgot John was supposed to go to South Carolina so let's just say he left during the events of this chapter ok? OK.


Every time I saw Lee today I glared at him. He never looked at me directly, but I know he noticed every time. I decided to sit away from the group with Sabrina during lunch so I could watch the SMFDR chat.

Charliieee- Lmao did you see Thomas and Alex in law today

Charliieee- They were soo about to make out when they were arguing

ReynoldFuc- probably were gonna too until Washington broke it up

AdamsSs- lmao

Jemmy- it's a thing I'd want to see even lol

Charliieee- I know right lmao

I notice Sabrina looking over my shoulder at my Phone and above it into my pocket.

"Who ya texting?" she asks through a bite of her sandwich.

"Not really texting, more of watching the texting happen." she laughs.

"So who ya watching text eachother?"

"Just some assholes."

"Which assholes?"

"Madison, Charles, Reynolds, and Adams." she looks at me.

"James Madison?" I nod. She laughs.

"Wow. You two still friends huh."

"More or less."

"What Happened."

"We dated. He broke it off a week or so ago."

"Ah." we sit there in silence for a while.

"Tommy." Sabrina says after a while.


"Thomas." she repeats.


"Jefferson." I sit up at the new voice then freeze at who stood in front of me.

"Reynolds." I glare at him.

"What do you want jackass?" he looks at Sabrina.

"Hmm.. Already cheating on your new boyfriend eh?"

"Alex isn't my boyfriend Reynolds."

"Sure. Just cuz you say it doesn't make it true Jefferson." he smirks and looks at her again.

"On another note. Your rather cute~" I stand up and smack Reynolds. He stares at me, his eyes slits.

"Leave Sabrina alone Reynolds."

"Oh I'm soo making sure Charles kills you Jefferson." he growls.

"I'd like to see that brat try." We stare eachother down before he huffs and turns away.

"Whatever. I have to go meet the guys anyways." he turns to walk away but winks at Sabrina.

"See ya around cutie."

"Ew." she says simply. Making Reynolds huff and walk away. I sigh and sit down.

"He's an asshole."

"Mhm." I check the time on my phone. 12:43.

"Class starts soon."

"Ew. Class."

"True.." she laughs and stand up, then helps me up. We have the same next class together, which was OK I guess. We begin to walk to class, out of the corner of my eye I see Lee and his gang glaring at me. James hiding behind Lee, not looking at me at all.

"Taylor." she says quietly. She was the first person to know about me being trans. We dated for a little while back in Virginia, until she figured out she was asexual. But while we dated she figured it out when she came into my room as I was changing and you can guess what happened there. She kept it a secret, which I was happy about. That's mainly why we are such close friends.


"How's your uh- transition going?" she asks quietly.

"It's going well. I got bottom, just saving up for top." she nods.

"That's nice. Your dad still n asshole about it?"

"Mhm." she sighs. She hates my dad. The feeling was mutual between them.

"Sorry that he hates you."

"It's not your fault Sabrina. He's a jackass to just about everyone he meets."

"Yeah that's true." she chuckles and we continue to walk in silence. That is until someone runs into Sabrina.

"Ack-" I look over to see Charles Lee on top of Sabrina. They were staring at each other until Sabrina broke into a goofy smile.

"CHARLIE!" She squeals and hugs Lee tightly.

"lemme go." He chuckles. She lets the hug go and Lee gets off her, and helps her up.

"Since when did you get here kid?"


"Wow. Didn't even tell me huh? Wow. Your so nice." He says sarcastically. She giggles.

"Sorry about that Charlie. Had some important things to do and forgot you went here." I cough, half on purpose half not, and they both look at me.

"Jefferson." He says. Not in the usual 'I fucking hate your guts' way. It was more of an 'I'm trying not to make her hate me so go the fuck away asshole' way.


"Wait, Tommy you know Charlie?" I nod. Lee snaps his head to Sabrina.

"You know Jefferson?" She nods.

"Ever since Virginia." Lee's mouth drops open then he looks at me again. I look at Sabrina.

How do you know Lee?" They look at each other.


"Oh fuck me."

"I'm not Alex." Lee says with a smirk. My face goes red.

"Shut up." He laughs.

"See you around fucker." Lee says to me as he walks away, giving Sabrina a small hug on the way.

"JACKASS!" I call after him. He flips me off as he walks away, making me laugh.

"You two seem to hate eachother."

"Well yeah. Always have, always will." She sighs.

"Alright. Let's just get to class."

"Fine by me." We start walking to class again.


"Woah Woah Woah. Sabrina?!" Madison says happily from his desk. I sit there awkwardly next to her. She turns and sees Madison and giggles and reaches over the desk to hug him.

"Sup Madsy." he giggles at the nickname.

"How've you been Sabrina?" he asks her. The two continue to have a conversation which I could care less about. Soon Alex rushed into class, right before it began. He takes the empty seat next to me. I smile at him and he half smiles back. We continue on with the class. It's rather boring honestly.


I'm sorry this sucks.

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