Tomino's Hell

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"Tomino's Hell" este o poezie scrisa de Yomota Inuhiko intr-un volum care se numeste "The Heart is like a Rolling Stone". Poezia este despre personajul principal Tomino care moare si ajunge in iad. Se spune ca oricine citeste poezia cu voce tare va muri dupa ce a facut acest lucru. Aceasta este considerata un fel de blestem. Presupun ca acesta ar avea efectul scontat daca ar fi recitat in limba in care a fost scris si anume in japoneza, probabil traducerile neavand niciun efect anume.

Intr-un timp poezia era foarte populara pe Internet, astfel diversi utilizatori se filmau in timp ce recitau poezia cu voce tare. O parte au confirmat ca aceasta nu are niciun efect in timp ce o parte au relatat ca s-au imbolnavit grav dupa filmarea respectiva. O parte din utilizatori au ultima logare in ziua in care au postat filmarea si nu au mai accesat conturile respective de atunci.

Poemul cu pricina il regasiti mai jos. Eu l-am citit, dar cu siguranta in gand.

Tomino's Hell

The older sister vomits blood, the younger sister spits fire.

Cute Tomino spits treasured jewels.
Tomino died alone and fell into hell.
Hell, darkness, with no flowers.
Is it Tomino's older sister that whips?
The number of red welts is worrisome.
Whipping and beating and pounding,
The path to eternal hell is only one way.
Beg for guidance into the darkness of hell,
From the golden sheep, from the nightingale.
How much is left in the leather bag,
Prepare for the endless journey into hell.
Spring comes and into the woods and valleys,
Seven turns in the dark valley of hell.
In the cage is a nightingale, in the cart a sheep,
In the eyes of cute Tomino are tears.
Cry, nightingale, for the woods and the rain
Voicing your love for your sister.
The echo of your cry howls through hell,
and a blood-red flower blooms.
Through the seven mountains and valleys of hell,
Cute Tomino travels alone.
To welcome you to hell,
The glimmering spikes of the needled mountain
Stick fresh punctures in the flesh,
As a sign to cute Tomino.

Daca va uitati pe internet veti gasi ca nici varianta in engleza nu este chiar atat de "safe" conform relatarilor. Deci misterul va plana in continuare asupra poemului, fie el tradus sau nu.

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