The Tattoo

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Naomi's POV

'Wake up' Bennett said before walking out and closing the door behind him.

'I wish I could but I can't, not after being put into a sleep zone from that injection' I thought to myself 'I can't tell if what happened with Raymond, the Witches and Parker are even real!'

After a few minutes of lying there I slowly start to drift off to sleep.


*Rattling of wheels *Scurrying feet *Faint yelling

'We need to get her on-' I zoned out

'We're losing her agai-' Zone out

'Give her-' Zone out

'Someone call Doctor Johnso-' Black out

I come to a sudden stop and a long high pitch noise starts up,

'CLEAR!' someone calls out

I feel two of something cold on my chest


A fast sharp volt of electricity flies through my body which wakes me up fully and my eyes snap open, not ready for the bright light and glare they shut tightly again.

'She's back, but not stable' A blurry figure says

A door swings open and someone walks in.

'Naomi Lorraine?' He asks, not expecting a response, he continues to talk 'Abigail'


'Fill her in on the details' He orders

With everyone still quite blurry, a small object is placed in my hands.

'Put these on' She said as I tried to figure out what they were 'Your friends said you can't see much without them'

I figured that thy were glasses so I placed them on my face with my eyes closed, when I opened them everything went back to normal, no more blurriness, no glare everything was clear.

'Ugh, th-thanks' I rasp out

'Don't try to talk your throat is still healing' she said sternly 'You should be able to talk in a few days, ok?'

I nod

She smiles 'Well, I should probably tell you that you have good and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?' she asks

I thought about it then raised my hand and forma fist with my thumb facing down to show that I want bad news.

'Ok... you have a fractured wrist on your left side, internal bruising, one snapped femur and the other fractured so for you to be completely held physically we're looking to about nine to ten weeks for the bone to heal then physical therapy for a few months and... that's all' she said but it was cut short and I wanted to know what the last injury was.

I stared at her and waiting for her to meet eye contact, when she did, she froze like someone caught red handed doing something wrong.

'Ugh' she sighed 'You have severe TBI which is Traumatic Brain Injury, it's caused when a large amount of force is applied to the head. You may have limited movement and control of your arms and legs, you may have abnormal speech or struggle to understand what others are saying, loss of thinking ability or emotional problems...'

As she was saying this tears streamed down my face as my head was held low I was silently screaming inside unable to walk, talk, remember probably, even think for myself was hard to process and I didn't want to but... I had to.

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