I'm Working On It!

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Heyo everybody I have been on lately but I haven't updated yet sorry but I promise that I will... soon!

Anyways I have some other big news...



Yes, I will be writing a new book and I won't tell you what is called... ok maybe I will but later :) 

Where was I? OH RIGHT! The writing of the new book. Ok um, the book will hopefully start to be published towards the end of this year or the start of next year.

I am sooooooooo excited to write this book and I hope you will enjoy it too, it does contain violence kind of like the violence in this book but a bit more brutal and maybe more bloodthirsty, but there will be conflict! I PROMISE!!! Another thing this book will contain is romance, yes I know I'm not the best when it comes to romance but I have a secret weapon and it or should I say 'she' will help me get through the lovey-dovey stuff. 

Anyways enough about that, I will be updating you waters with a new chapter of this book very soon just let me sit down and write the whole thing tomorrow or the day after as I'm not sure what I'm doing the next few days with it being the holidays down here in Australia and all :) haha suck on that teachers no school and homework! 

Alrighty time wrap it up...

Until next time









*Walks out of the room few seconds pass then pokes head from the left of the doorframe like:

'The book is called "Above & Below The Surface" by the way'

*Then slowly slides left out of view and yells

Firedragon out xx

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