ten | niall

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Day after that disaster that happened on that interview and my little panic attack, Harry stayed with me and made me hot tea with waffles. We were just casually watching TV until I fucking opened my mouth and asked him about his family.

His whole face changed from happy, to sad one and he just said, "I would rather not talk about it." but being the nosy person I am, I said, I quote, "Sometimes you just need to let things out, because if you don't, you will be the one who gets hurt." After I said that, he just ran away in the guest room, where he usually sleeps when he stays in my house.

I felt so bad for asking that question. I didn't go after him because I just felt like he remembered again and he needs some time. So that's why I am, a day after that stupid question, coming into his room. I just hope he isn't mad at me because he's the only person in the world who actually understood me and my problems.

I knocked lightly. "Harry? You okay?" I asked.

The door immediately opened and there stood Harry, his clothes for work (black jeans and a white t-shirt) already on.

"Good morning, Mr. Horan! How are you?" He spoke in such a fake voice, I could puke. 

He is calling me 'Mr. Horan' again and acts like he doesn't know me personally. God, why did I even ask that stupid question? 

This is going to be hard, I never actually apologized. Yes, I did apologized when I was on work (because I needed to look professional), but this is different. Totally different.

"Harry, if you're not okay, you don't need to watch Ethan today. I can do that." I said, pointing a finger at me.

"No, Mr. Horan, that's my job. I'm the babysitter and I need to watch Ethan." Harry said, ready to come out of the room until I stopped him.

"Can we talk for a minute?" I asked, placing my hand on his chest, trying to get him back in the room without shoving him.

Harry looked at my hand. "Yes, of course, Mr. Horan." He looked back at me and I removed my hand.

"Good." I said and came in, closing the door behind me.

Harry sat on the bed and looked at me. "Look, Harry, I'm sorry if the question I asked you last night upset you, but just know that I didn't mean anything bad, alright? Sometimes it's just better to tell things you keep inside of you than to just be quiet." I said carefully, not wanting to upset him again.

Harry looked away. "It isn't just about that. I mean- There's so many things I actually told and..." He stopped and shook his head.

"Whatever it is, you need to tell it before it gets too late. Because you never know what can happen next." I said before he could finish.

Harry looked at me, his eyes getting watery. "It's just- There's so many things in my head and I don't know what the hell I was thinking about when I first met you-" I cut him off.

"You don't like this job? If you want I can give you a job in my company?" I asked, not wanting him to leave. For such a small time, he became my friend and I really, but really don't want him to leave. And Ethan loves him too (and that's rare).

"No, no! I don't want another job, this job is perfect for me. I mean, I get along with Ethan pretty well and he's such a nice boy..." Harry said, smiling a little.

"What's the problem then?" I spoke quietly, not wanting to sound harsh.

"I lied to too many people and I just really feel guilty about it. And I lied to you too and that's what makes me feel horrible, because without you, I'd probably be on the streets, homeless." Harry admitted, not looking at me once. When he saw I won't answer, he continued. "I lied about my family. They aren't dead. They kicked me out of house the second I came out to them as gay. They weren't really supportive of gay people, and I should've known that, but now when I think about it, I'm actually glad. Because if I was still in their house, they would've expected to meet my girlfriend, or whatever."

Okay, I was actually shocked about this whole thing. I knew he was lying when he said his family died, because in the papers where it said when he's born wasn't any information of his parent's death.

But what I wasn't expecting was that that his family actually kicked him out because he came out to them as gay. I just don't get how people can be so cruel? Love is love. You can't choose who you love no matter what. They should accept that and should've supported Harry. He's such a nice lad.

I was deep in thoughts when Harry started crying. His whole body was shaking with each sob and he covered his face with his hands. "I knew it. I knew if I admitted that to you, you would hate me. You see? You hate me too now! If you want me to quit, just say it. I will leave right now." He said through sobs.

When I noticed him, I ran towards him, sat beside him and like a total fool kept touching his shoulder in attempt to calm him down. I didn't hug anybody for a long time now, except Ethan and in these situations... I usually don't know what to do, as you can see.

Harry started crying even more and louder, so I just grabbed him for his shoulder and hugged him. He hugged me back and sobbed in the crook of my neck until he stopped and laughed. I unconsciously smiled to myself. He pulled away, his hands on my thighs. He was still laughing and I looked confusedly at him. 

"What is so funny?" I asked, hearing myself even laughing even though I don't know what is he laughing about (I didn't laugh for a very long time too, except when I was with Ethan).

"Your whole t-shirt is now wet. I'm sorry." He apologized, now starting giggling.

I looked down at my t-shirt and saw that it's, actually, wet. Harry burst out laughing at that and I even laughed too.

We stopped laughing and just kept looking at each other. Harry's face was serious and he was biting his lips. My eyes trailed down on his lips and just in time I wanted to lean in, to kiss him, the door opened and Johanna came in.

"Oh! Oh!" She said when she saw how close we were. I jumped and stood up, scratching my neck awkwardly. "Am I interrupting something?" She asked, suddenly smiling.

"No, you're not. Harry was sad so I came to check up on him." I said.

She giggled after a second. "Are you sure?" She tilted her head, looking at me suspiciously.

I found myself hesitating and after I noticed that, I nodded my head furiously, "Of course! See if Harry is okay and make him a tea if he's not." I said. "And by the way, your tea last night was perfect! Right on the spot! I gotta go now, bye." I quickly added and literally ran out of the room.

I heard laughing and giggling. I'm such an embarrassment, oh my God. And thank you Johanna, for being such a cockblocker. 

Did I just said that? 

Get your shit together, Horan.



I have 1 more week of school and then I'm on Holidays break! :)

Even when I wasn't updating, your support was and IS incredible, I'm so thankful! Thank you so much, loves. x


Does anyone have instagram? If you do, follow me: @cupcakenialler_ and I will make sure to follow you back! (by the way, if I don't follow you right after you followed me, just DM on ig me so I can know that's you.)

Question for this chapter: What phone do you have? 
Meh: I had iPhone 7, but I f**king lost it in school! Like, can you believe it? I'm so dumb omg. Anyways, in "replacement" I now use Samsung Galaxy. And for me, I think Samsung Galaxy is actually better than iPhone. Samsung doesn't glitch that much like iPhone does. (my opinion)

Comment, vote, add this story to your library, follow me and don't forget that I love you! (:

AND PLEASE, don't comment something like "you have so many mistakes" because I know, k? English isn't my first language, I'm still studying it. Everyone has typos. That's the reason why "UNEDITED" is right on the top before the chapter goes. 

Love y'all,
- Jo.🍔

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