Ch 3. Angry Brother?

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(Y/N)= Your Name

(Your Point of View)
I was sitting with Zane watching MLP a VERY appropriate show! "So how come Laurence never talks about you?" Zane asked. "Well not everything is perfect in our home. I had to move away from it all to a new street. Laurence never wanted to talk about our family that much. I could see why..." I said sadly

Zane looked at me surprised "Oh... well if you don't want to talk about it it's fine." I smiled "Thanks for being so sweet." He blushed lightly. I could barely see it because of his mask. "Hello baby brother having fun... who is this?" A blond haired guy with baby blue eyes asked.

"None of your business Garroth! All your going to do is take her..." Zane said coldly. "Awe... Baby brother I won't take her from you! You little softy!" Garroth cooed. I giggled at Garroth's comment. "Zane I didn't know you were a softy!" I giggled.

(Zane Point of View)
How dare he call me a softy! I'm cunning, brutal, and serious! I heard (Y/N) giggle and it made me melt. "Heh... I never heard a giggle like that" I said. "Oh! I'm sorry it's just that I think it's cute that you have a soft spot!"

She poked my shoulder teasing me. "I am not a softy I'm very cunning and serious grrr" I growled and crossed my arms. "Don't be like that baby brother! Be nice to her! She's probably the only friend except Aph that you're going to have..." Garroth said bluntly but slowed down after he realized what he just said.

(Garroth Point of View)
I realized what I just said and regretted every word. Zane's gaze fell to the floor "Heh... is that what you really think?!" He snapped. "Z-Zane I didn't mean it like th-" He shot up and ran outside "Zane wait!" (Y/N) yelled and ran after him out the door.

"Y/N!!! WAIT IT'S COLD OUTSIDE YOU'LL GET SICK!! GET BACK HERE!!!" Laurence yelled as he ran outside after her. I chased after Laurence remembering how cold it was outside and thought of Zane's health problems. Then I realized! I HAD HIS INHALER!! "ZANE!!!" I yelled out in the cold weather.

(Zane's Point of View)
I just kept running and running until I ran out of breath as the wind made me sway. If it weren't for my straight posture it would have knocked me down. "ZANE!! WHERE ARE YOU?! PLEASE COME BACK!!" I heard faint yelling.

I pulled my mask up to avoid the cold air hitting my face. I walked still hearing the yelling. I was almost to my house when *SMACK* I tripped and hit the concrete hard. It knocked the air out of me. I tried to get up but the wind was pushing me back down. As weak as I was already made it more difficult.

(Your Point of View)
I was trying to find Zane when I froze "OMI ZANE ARE YOU OK?!" I yelled and ran to him. "I-I'm fine... ugh... just fell *Sigh*" He sounded weak. "H-Here!" I helped him up by grabbing his arm and pulling it around my shoulder and he stood up.

I felt his head to see if he was sick. He blushed but he soon went pale. *Cough* He seemed to be short of breath. I brushed his bangs out his face and asked "You ok? You look sick. Of course, I hope your not! I would hate it if you got sick near the holidays!" I walked him back to Aph's house.

(Zane's Point of View)
Y/N was leading us back to Aphmau's house. I looked at Y/N and said with amazement "You seem to be tolerant to the cold weather!" She replied, "I'd rather be out here helping you and be cold than leave you alone. What kind of a friend would I be if I left you all alone?" I smiled at her caring nature.

We were almost to Aph's when I started to get light headed. I groaned and Y/N seemed to notice. "Zane...?" She looked concerned. As we approached Aph's we began to hear "ZANE WHERE ARE Y- (Y/N)!! You found him! .... Baby brother...? You alright...?" Garroth asked looking at my face. "I-I'm fine... just a little tired is all..." I felt the world spinning I tried hard to stay awake. "Zane...?" They both asked and I blacked out.

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