Ch 5. The Way Home

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(F/S)= Fav Song
(F/D)= Fav Dish
(Y/N)= Your Name

(Zane's Point of View)
  I woke up and my vision was blurry, but I could comprehend this much. I am in a hospital, Garroth snores like an Elk, and (Y/N) was humming a beautiful song. I tried to sit up, "UGH! IRENE BLESS IT!" I cursed. It hurt like the Nether burns!! Garroth jerked awake and looked at me wide eyed.

  "YOU ALRIGHT?! ARE YOU HURT?! WHERE DOES IT HURT?!" Garroth rambled. "Nothing... Nothing... just pulled something I think... *Sighs*" I strained. "Phew... I thought you really hurt yourself! I'm sorry..." Garroth whined. "(Y/N) what are you humming? It sounds familiar to me in some way..." I asked.

(Your Point of View)
  I looked over at Zane and he was a little pale. "Hmm? Oh, it's (F/S)." I answered. "Hmmm~" Vylad stretched out in his chair popping his back. "Sheesh Vylad you should really get that checked...!" Zane groaned. Vylad laughed "Trust me I have, no one can fix me! *Laughs*"

  "You say that like there's hope! Huehuehue!" Garroth chuckled. "Mr. Ro'Meave you're free to go in a few hours. Feel free to pack when ever you choose!" A nurse chirped and walked out of the room. "YES! FINALL- GAH!" Zane held his chest. "Now take it easy little brother!" Garroth scolded, "Your not going to get any better if you overreact to things!"

  I smiled at Garroth's comment. "I'll take care of you until you are well enough to be on your own." I said sincere. Vylad looked at me," Y/N that won't be necessary, besides you have enough on your plate with the move!"

"I should know, I moved in by myself. Irene knows it won't be easy the first few days!" He added. "Don't I get a say in this?" Zane asked. "Nope!" Garroth and Vylad cut him off, and Zane growled in frustration. "But...." Garroth started, "Zane could use a new friend... OK!" Garroth cheered.

"WHAT?!" Vylad and Zane yelled. I was so happy to take care of someone other than my brother! "TEEHEE! Thank you! Thank you! Garr I'll be really good to him! You have my undying word!" I squealed happily and Garroth smiled. "We'll talk about it later on "The Way Home" ok?" He said.

(Time Skip Brought to You By Garroth's Laugh)

(Zane's Point of View)
Garroth and Vylad soon left after they dropped me off at my house. Y/N went to go get some food "she's really sweet and kind" I thought to myself. Ugh! Zane stop thinking that she's just a friend, that's a girl.... Yeah! I lie down on the couch and watched My Littl- The Walking Dead!

She came back soon after 4:00 and started to cook. "Whatcha cook'n?" I asked perky. "Hmmm... it's a surprise!" She said. "I hate surprises...!" I groaned. "You'll like mine! I think you'll like this dish" She squeaked excitedly. "F-i-n-e..." I murmured.

"Ready!" I hear her call to me from the kitchen. I sit down and she puts a pasta dish in front of me. It smells... AMAZING! "Woah that looks good! Ahem, I mean thank you Y/N" I corrected myself. She giggled "Thank you it's a dish my parents made me... it's (F/D)!"

  She sat down next to me and we ate. It was so good I never knew she could cook! Hmph... Y/N might just be a new friend. Not just because she can cook Zane JEEZ! "You want any dessert? I can bake a cake, cupcakes, or-" I cut her off "N-no! You cooked it's good enough! Don't need you wearing yourself out!"

  "Awe... You're sweet Zane! Like a lil cupcake! Oh! Cupcake is a good nickname for you! Sweet, soft and a little crisp... for your attitude!" She giggled. "H-HEY! I don't have an attitude!" I mumble some other stuff under my breath/mask. "Oh, so 'You scared Imma steal your sister Laurence?' doesn't ring a bell?" She retorted.

"Nope!" I said popping the 'p'. "Mhm! You get your grouchy butt to bed it's 10:45 and your suppose to be asleep an hour ago..." She demanded. "Fine MUM I'll go to bed!" I went upstairs and changed to my MLP Pj pants, and a loose shirt with the saying 'Hope you have a horrible day!' on it. I went to sleep with the thoughts in my mind, "Is she really being this nice to me? Or is she just playing the part?" I sigh and fall into my deep slumber.

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