Chapter 4: more immortals means more problems

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Thank you to anyone who reads this. I hope you enjoy, and I know this story might be a bit confusing, so just stay tuned. Alright, let's get on with this.

The early morning light poured in through the living-room window in a strong stream of gold, Nina twitched slightly as she came out of her sleep, and opened her eyes to see the dimly lit room around her. Everything seemed to be in place, but then she remembered the Daniel, the incubus that broke into her house last night. The ebony haired girl groaned groggily before trying to sit up on the couch, but the weight of the demon kept her down on the leather sofa. Of course the little fucker would still be asleep on top of her.
A loud groan escaped Nina's mouth as she plopped back down, how was she going to get up if this creep was snoring on her? As if reading her mind, Daniel grunted, and bat at thin air with his long, slender demon tail before reaching up to itch his nose. "Hey, Daniel, get up." Nina growled, a pink blush over running her cheeks as she shook the strange man to wake him up. After a few moments of shaking his shoulder, Daniel groaned loudly and lifted his head to look at her with tired violet eyes.
"What? I promise, I didn't bite you." He said slowly, blinking faintly as he tried to focus on Nina's face while he spoke. Coming to his senses completely, Daniel sat up, still straddling Nina's hips as he let out a loud yawn and grinned down at her. "Sorry about last night by the way, like I said, I needed to get my coat back." He explained, still smiling as he ran a pale hand through his long black hair.
"Yeah, I remember that, but why did you stay? What compelled you lay down on top of me?" Nina questioned, glaring at him angrily as she propped herself up on her elbows.
"Well," Daniel began while stretching luxuriously, "I thought you were comfortable, and I was tired, so I just laid down. It's not like I raped you or anything, so no harm done." He said, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders at her.
Nina didn't believe him, after all, he was a demon of lust, and it wasn't too much of a stretch to believe that he may have done something to her in her slumber. "Well, since you've gotten some sleep, and you got your jacket back, please leave." The black haired girl said, pointing to the door as she spoke.
The living-room was silent for a while, Daniel seeming to be confused at Nina's request, but a smile soon took over his face, his purple eyes seeming to glow with evil power as he planted his arms on either side of the small girls slender body and leaned his face in closer to hers. "Come on, Nina, you can't just think I gave you my jacket simply to warm you. I am a sex demon after all." Daniel purred, his face nearly close enough for Nina to feel his warm breath as he spoke. Nina's cheeks were still ruby red, but she fought the alien urge that burned within her stomach and pushed the demon boy back, but her lack of upper body strength made her attempt futile against him.
Daniel chuckled for a moment, amused at her weak struggles before leaning down and forcing his lips on hers while his tail wrapped around her wrists and pinned her down against the couch. Nina couldn't help it, the feeling of lust took hold of her causing her to open her mouth and invite the demon in, but the sexual urge didn't seem to be overwhelming after a bit. Just as she expected, Daniels forked tongue slithered into her mouth and began tempting her own, but instead of falling prey to his expertise, Nina's jaw snapped shut, clamping down on the mans tongue, severing it like a paper cutter. In an instant, Daniel pulled away, holding the end of his severed tongue while his tail released Nina and swayed moodily behind him. He was pissed.
"You lithel bith!" Daniel yelled, his tongue already starting to grow back slowly like a lizards tail as he held it to staunch the blood flow, and Daniel wasn't the only one with a mouthful of blood. Nina still laid under him, holding her mouth while his warm blood poured down her throat, for some reason she couldn't bring herself to spit the muscle out, her mouth wouldn't open, so she did the last thing she could think of in her panicked state. She swallowed it. The end of Daniels tongue tasted like raw meat, but for some reason, that only made the ebony haired girl want more.
It wasn't long before the incubus's regenerative powers regrew his tongue, and he was trying to rape her again, but the adrenaline that ran through Nina's body kicked in and her knee shot up into his groin, making him buckle down and fall off of her. In this short window of time, the startled girl jumped up as if a wild fire was burning underneath her, and dashed toward the door, ripping it open and racing out of the house like a cheetah after its prey. She didn't stop running until she was almost four blocks away from her house.
After she had caught her breath, Nina threw a look over her shoulder, checking to see if Daniel had followed her, but it looked like he hadn't so she relaxed a bit. That is the last time I trust a demon." Nina breathed as she began walking down the sidewalk again, still cautious of whether she was being followed.


Nina had been walking for a while, her face covered in dark blood from Daniels tongue, her eyes wild with anxiety and fear, and her legs aching for a break. But she didn't listen, all she could think of was avoiding any demons for as long as possible. The meager sunlight did little to warm her against the cruel claws of winter as she stumbled through piles of icy snow in her pajamas, a violent shiver coursing through her body as she walked numbly down the street. Finally, the numb raven haired girl came across what she was looking for.
In front of her stood a monument of money, Elena's house was impressive, standing at nearly ten stories tall, the mansion loomed ridiculously over all other homes, its baby blue walls seeming friendly, but the massive wrought iron fence sent out a clear warning to anyone who saw it. It was the only safe place Nina knew. Her limbs were stiff and unwilling to move, but she forced herself forward to the small intercom near the front gate and pushed the button.
"Morningstar residence, what do you need?" Beth, the head guard said in a bored tone, her familiar voice making Nina smile slightly. "B-Beth, it's me N-N-Nina. O-open the gate, p-p-please." The small girl begged from between chattering teeth.
Almost instantly, the sound of a low buzz sounded and the gate slid open on a mechanical track, on the opposite side was Beth, ambling towards Nina in a fluffy blue parka with her security badge pinned over her left breast. Beth was a hefty woman with a bad attitude, but she had a soft spot for Nina's sarcasm and usual pessimistic attitude. "Nina, you blundering idiot, what are you doing out in the snow in your nickers? and what is on your face?" The heavy-set red-head growled, throwing her massive coat over Nina as she scanned the street for any prying eyes that may be watching the scantly clad girl.
Once she was pretty much carried into the safe warmth of the mansion by Beth, she was forced to spill the beans about Daniel, and the assault, and the way her mouth refused to open, forcing her to swallow the demons tongue. Beth sat back in an over-stuffed arm chair and thought for a moment, in that Time Elena walked in and seemed shocked to see Nina quivering under a mountain of blankets. The blonde's bright blue eyes seemed to turn into saucers while she stared at her friend.
"Nina, what are you doing here? I told you to call me if you wanted to come over in the winter, you'd freeze walking here!" She exclaimed before rushing over to her tiny friend and giving her a hug.
Elena was right, Nina lacked a car, and didn't really have the ability to walk in the layers of coats that she usually wore to go outside, but she was too scared to think of calling her friend, besides, she had left her phone at home with Daniel. Late afternoon light shone in through the massive window to the girl's left, casting a golden light on the silent room, a tense aura filling the room. Elena seemed to get the message that Nina was suffering, so she just held her like a mother would a child. Nina had already cried on her way over to Elena's home, so she just sat there silently. Reliving the scenario with Daniel.
The silence of the sitting-room was broken when a tall man with hazel nut colored hair came into the room, he was tall, dressed in an expensive navy blue suit, and had tanned skin with a pair of stern brown eyes that seemed to narrow as he spotted Nina in the blue settee. "Elena, why did you run off? What are you doing with that stupid human?" He ordered, obviously accustomed to being in control of everyone. Elena glared back at the man, obviously showing a distaste for his bossy attitude.
"She is my friend Nathan and quit acting all high and mighty." Elena said, her icy blue eyes shining with hatred as she watched the business man with a hateful look. Nathan remained silent, but the cruel look never left her face. Great, more immortals. Nina thought disdainfully, scooting away from her friend, she was aware that she was going to be in trouble sooner or later.

Sorry to leave you guys like this, but my computer is dying, and I wanted to keep you interested, continue reading if you want to know more, thank you! Also, leave a vote if i'm doing a good job. Peace!

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