Chapter 1

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"Alright class please settle down and take a seat, we are going to be learning about ou..." You blocked her out when you couldn't care anymore, you just looked down at your blank notebook and untouched pencil, you were of course in the back of the class next to the giant window that went down the classroom that was full of books and cheesy motivation posters. You looked at all the students and seen that most of the girls were still looking at the "most handsome" boy in the class. He was just an average boy that had short black hair pearly white teeth and pale skin, his eyes were blue because of his mother's genes, he was tall and fit of course the girls would sway over him most would call him "perfect" but what you saw was a playboy one of the most annoying kind of boys there is.

You never liked the men that went for women just to fuck them. Those men never cared for the woman's personality or feelings, all they cared about was the body and the moans or even the money. You even hated the men that would play games with the woman's mind and try to fuck her. So in short you just hated guys in general.

You always stayed away and kept quiet you don't have friends or social life. Well except for one but that would be the teacher. Speaking of the teacher you looked at her and she was again yelling at the bad kids. She always does this first thing she gets here. She has short blond hair with some natural brown streaks in it and it was in a small ponytail. She had a small face and was very skinny but average height. She was also young for a teacher as in she is somewhere in her early 20's, she tends to get sarcastic and rude but she is a good person at heart. If you ever have a question she will try to answer it to her best ability. Her name is Emily White she has studied history her whole life so she is the history teacher and it's pretty cool that she knows ALL of the amendments by heart and word for word. I smiled softly when she looked at me, she is the only one that has acknowledged me so I looked at the board and wrote the notes.

*Time skip*

The bell rang signaling the end of the day, I grabbed my stuff and walked out the front doors like everyone else since I live close to the school I chose to walk home and take a shortcut through the park. I always go through this park it's so calm and quiet, kind of like me. I always pass this empty and forgotten bench that has old and rotting wood. But this time when I was walking up to it, I saw a crying man on it. He had a fedora and pale skin he also had a long trench coat with black combat boots. I couldn't see his face since he was looking down but I did see a very dark red rose next to him. Resting it's gentle peddles on the rotting wood. He looked tall so I got a little intimidated by him but I did stop for just a second to ask him what was wrong.

 "Excuse m-me sir? W-whats wrong wh-why are you crying?" I asked him stuttering since I was still intimidated by him.

"Gah f-fuck don't mind me, pretty thing, I'm fine." The man said and I got a little annoyed, he is probably a player. I shook my head, but I still had to make sure that he was ok mentally.

 "You do look fine, w-well I-I m-mean you d-don't l-look hurt so so I uh I'm s-sorry I'll leave, you l-look like you don't n-need my help anyways." I quickly said getting embarrassed and quickly trying to walk away but he stopped me by gently grabbing my arm and telling me to wait. I looked behind me and saw a broken man before me. I don't know why but he looked so sad and broken and tired. I waited for what he wanted to say to me but instead of him talking to me he gave me the blood-red rose and got up from the bench, he whispered an

 "I'm sorry" and he left in the woods. I looked down to my hand holding the rose and I clutched it.

 "It's ok" I whispered back and ran home.

A/n welp I will be updating this every Friday I hope that works, and so I hope you enjoyed and have a nice night or day byeeeee!

*just a small PSA* For the love of god read the fuckin-description. I am sick and tired of people getting offended or telling me this is wrong. Hell if you're offended don't fucking read. My followers already know that I dont make happy sunshine books. The only actual book or books (I think) that are like that, would have to be my Nek o! Jeff x reader and Werewolf x reader. Please, please, just please read the fucking book before you say anything! You will understand in due time. Trust me.

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