Chapter 7

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A/N sorry for the late update y'all! Also side note: the pic is just an idea of what Splendors mansion looks like and also if y'all didn't know already Splendor has a little girl named Sally as well as Slender. It's just that Splendors Sally is a little older and she wears a red dress with black flats, black short hair, red hair band, and brown-goldish eyes. While Slenders' Sally is (as we all know) really fucking young, bloody and dirty, with a pink wrecked up dress, white dirty socks, long ass brown curly hair and green eyes. Just, just wanted to put that out there. ENJOY!!

"I knew the rose wasn't working, I knew that she was terrified, but what I didn't know, is why the fuck did I stop?" Offender said as he buried his head into his hands. He was currently sitting in Splendors lively living room while Splendor was making them tea. Offender was getting a little irritated as fairies kept trying to cheer him up with charades or dancing.

"Accountant. Look Splendor, you already know that I'm not exactly what you would call "a nice person." I kill woman for a fucking living for gods sake. Why haven't I killed her? Why can't I just forget about the stupid rose and fille her like a fucking fish?!" Offender tried to swipe the fairies away as they tried to make him guess what they were.

"Ladies please, big brother Offender doesn't want to play right now. May you go find the others and help Sally with her homework, I do believe she is struggling with science. Thank you ladies. Big brother look, have the thought ever crossed you're mind that you might like her?"

Splendor said as he walked into the living room with a tray full of goods and a very elegant looking tea set. Some of the bigger fairies helped Splendor carry in Offenders trench coat since he asked to wash it. Splendor likes his place to stay clean, but also be full of color and look welcoming. He is also the most welcoming and kind out of the Slender brother's. Hence the reason why most of the mythical beings like to stay with Splendor.

Splendor set down the tray and sat next to his big brother on the soft and large couch. He then gently and swiftly served Offender his tea and offered tiny muffins.

"Thanks little bro, and no it's against the slender culture and tradition. You know we can't be romantically involved with humans." Offender said sipping his tea.

"Hehe, you know, but does your heart know? We all know that Angie was once human, Slender knew that it was against the rules and he didn't care. He killed Angie and made her into what she is now. They are happily married and love taking care of Sally! All I'm saying is, you should know by now that we wouldn't shun you for liking a small human." Splendor explained.

Offender sighed and rubbed his face. He looked over to his brother and smiled.

"Have you ever felt this way for a human?" Fully knowing the answer Offender still asked his brother.

"Yes actually! It has been such a long time ago, I...I have forgotten his name. But, he was a wonderful person, very kind. But he was also quite the opposite of me wasn't he? He was into very heavy music, tattoos and piercings everywhere! He was also quiet, and would seem cold to others. But he was gentle and understanding with me. I loved him so, but I wasn't able to tell anyone, so...I...had to let him go. I watched from a far, watching as he grew older, watched as he would cry alone, get sick and nobody would be there. I would watch when he smiled for the littlest of things. Get angry for the biggest of things. I was there when he succeeded with his career, watching as he slowly forgot about me. I watched  from a far when he would fall for a woman. When he had children, I watched as he was gentle and understanding with his children just as much as he was with me. I watched as he became older. He looked beautiful with his small wrinkles and small bits if gray hair. I was also there when he was alone in the hospital bed. His wife leaving him for pitiful reasons. His children taking the mothers side. He was alone and scared. And that was when I came in. I was scared to show myself after so long, but I wasn't going to wait anymore. I came into the room, making sure I was gentle and didn't wake him. I sat at the chair that was next to his bed and I waited till he woke. And once he did, he looked at me and gave me the biggest smile that I have ever seen him make. "I was wondering when you would finally show yourself" he said to me and I was in shock. I asked how he knew and he just laughed. "Your bells." He said and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I kneeled next to his bed and he rested his hand on my head. I cried for hours as he cooed at me. I cried as I said sorry and that I loved him, I cried these things until it was his time. I looked up at him as he told me that he loved me and that he forgives me. He looked at me as he would take his last breath. I was the last thing that he seen in this world. Not the hospital room, not the flowers next to his bed, not the tubes that stuck to him. Me, I was the last thing he seen. I knew I had to get out of there before the doctors seen me. So I closed his eyes and I kissed him one last time and left. I still visit his grave to this day. But because of the rain and harsh weather. His name was washed away. I do truly believe that was the first time I have ever felt that distraught in my long life.  I was scared, just like you brother, I was scared of the family, I was scared that they would kill him. I made my mistake brother, all I wish is that you don't do the same. Don't wait to tell her, dont be afraid. If Slender or anyone for that matter shuns you, you will know where to go. I will be here with open arms, brother."

By this time Splendor was crying and Offender had started to hug him. He rubbed Splendors head gently as Splendor clung to him.

"I promise little brother, I won't make the same mistake. I promise." Offender whispered.

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