Chapter 4

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I finally got up from the ground after 10 minutes of crying. And I looked around. I seen that my computer was on indicating that he was on my computer. I quickly went over to it, just make sure that it was okay. When I finished typing my password I was bombarded with opened tabs of research all about himself. I covered my mouth when I seen the first the photo that he downloaded. I now understood why he told me about the roses. He was the one with all of the girls. I still didn't know what the purple stuff was though. I looked through some of the tabs that he left open. So far I found out that his name is Sexual Offenderman, brother of Slenderman, Splendorman, and Trenderman. He likes to rape or molest women from 12 to 25 or 30. His backstory id almost heartbreaking, but also super disturbing. He uses the roses to lure the girls into his territory and he does something to their blood to make it purple and then he eats it. But also he had fallen in love with this woman that was named Rose. She wasn't affected by the rose in any way and even though she knew the real him, she still chose to be with him. 

That was until some man that was dressed as a woman confronted Offender and the man stabbed Offender and started his parlor or castle thing on fire. All the women came back to their senses and they ran away. The last to run was Rose. As Offender laid on the ground screaming for the women to come back, especially for Rose to stay. Rose ran to the open door and she looked back at the monster. She had no other expression except for pity and before she left, she softly said. "I'm sorry" and ran away. Offender was left there to bath in his own blood and to starve, until his brothers found out what happened to him. 

I found another thing on the other tabs and it told me about what happened or specifically what Offender did after the whole incident. Apparently after he was healed, he went and found every single lady that was with him that night and killed them one by one. He saved Rose for last. He cried to her on how she betrayed him and used him. She didn't deny anything. She had a blank expression on her face. 

"What makes you think, a monster like you would ever deserve love." 

Is what Rose said and she smiled as he killed her. He was heartbroken and very very angry. He then vowed to never love another. 

I clicked out of all of the tabs and I stared at my bright wallpaper of the overwatch team. I sighed and leaned back in my chair. I rubbed the bottom of my chin in thought. I have 2 weeks until I can make a choice. I don't know what he will do during that time, so I'll have to be careful. I shouldn't provoke him, then he'll maybe change his mind. I have to make a plan to at least manipulate the man, monster, whatever he is. I shook my head and I stood up from my chair. I pushed the old chair in to the desk and  I walked out of my room. 

I went down stairs to have some breakfast. But before that I had to look around my house to make sure that he didn't take anything. Once I was done with that I went to my kitchen and I grabbed some cereal from the top of my fridge and I also grabbed the milk while I was at the fridge. I put everything down and I went through my cabinets and grabbed a decent sized bowl and I put that down as well. I put everything together and I also put everything back to where they were except my bowl of cereal of course. I turned and went through the drawer for a spoon. Once I was finally done with the kitchen I went to my dining room and ate my food. I of course sat down at the table to eat. 

I took this time to finally sit and think about my situation. I have a monster/man that is going to kill me after 2 weeks if the rose won't work on me. But if the rose does (some how) work on me, then he will use me for sex and food. I don't want neither but, if I'm being honest. I would much rather die then to have sex with that man for however long and become food. I remember him saying something about will. 

if my will is too strong then the rose won't work on me. But if it's too weak, then I'm guessing the rose will work on me and then that means fucked up life for me later on. I sighed and shook my head. It's useless to think about. Both options are just going to bring me to the same fate.


I wasn't in the mood to eat anymore so I just threw my bowl into the sink. I'll clean in later. I rubbed my face and walked into the living room. It's going to be some long weeks. I thought as I slumped into my couch. 

A/N Yeah, I know late as fuck, but I still updated with the new and updated chapter 4. I hope you like it, and yes, if you haven't figured it out yet, I am rewriting this whole story and making it a lot more...well....informative. If that makes sense......anyways, I hope you enjoyed; BYYYYYEEE

P.S yes short chapter, fight me, i'm tired 

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