Lost and Found p.3

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Part 3:

There is a small black dot off to the side. I stare at it not thinking anything of it knowing I am far beyond sleep deprived.  It began to grow bigger and bigger until it was the size of a manhole cover to the sewers. It started to stretch downward like sludge. When it stopped, the black circle on my ceiling finally disappeared leaving the remains of a six foot black cylinder.

“Ahhhg”, said the cylinder. It began to stretch and expand. It took on a human shape and began to melt away. In a couple of seconds, standing before me was Mr. Signor.

“Man, I hate traveling like that. Do you know how annoying it is to get into a house that’s protected?”

I stare blankly at my teacher. “Oh great, I’m hallucinating again”, I say.

“This is why I hate my job. They never understand what’s going on”, Mr. Signor says. “Well, it’s always enjoyable to hear them cry.”

I make a sound that I believe to be a small squeak. What the hell is wrong with me?

You see, Jillian, I was sent here by my, oh, higher ups. My job is to take care of you. Do you know what that means?” he says.

I look at the ground and mentally focus on my head. “Um, can you make him go away now, please?” I ask, hoping that my mind would give me a break if I was polite. A low chuckle breaks my concentration and I look back at my teacher.

“Jillian, I’m real. Pleading to yourself isn’t going to work, dear. As I was saying, I was sent here to kill you because your mother made a deal with us when you were young.”

 I decide that my mind was getting little too carried away. I stand up and try waving my hand through him, but he catches my wrist. And here I thought he’d be like mist. My wrist began to burn and I pull my arm back while twisting to break his hold on me. I bump into the wall. What I thought to be my teacher then turned into a swarming cloud of metallic shards.

“This what you were looking for?” says a voice that was spoken into my mind rather than aloud. It was a more gravelly tone much like the one I heard before my dream. I slide down the wall, watching the cloud of shards move around each other.

“Dad!” I scream repetitively as hot tears slowly flow down my face.

“Ah, he can’t hear you Jillian. So, you have two choices. I kill you now, or you die a little later.”

“Go away! Go away! Go away!” I shout, tugging my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them, sobbing loudly.

“Well, guess you want to die then”. The shards spread out and flew forward towards me from all directions. I put my arms up in a futile act to protect myself.

STOP! I screamed, but unable to form words.

The last thing I remember is a bright, glowing light enveloping me.


Please leave comments on what you thought about my Story! I'm not sure if I want to continue writing. Please message me if you have anythingthing I can improve on or change in my writing style to make the story more enjoyable. Thank you.

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