Chapter 1

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Emily's PoV

There was no burning, no pain, nothing. I couldn't feel anything. My body was completely numb and still.

I could sense there was someone lying next me. I could hear their body healing, the venom spreading across their body.

I suddenly felt my eyes open. I look around and immediately saw my sister lying on the bed next to me, in a dark blue dress.

"Oh, bells," I whisper.

I listened to her heartbeat, it was beginning to slow. She was going to wake up soon.

I slowly stand up, getting used to my vampire abilities once again.
I placed my feet on the floor and gradually stood up.

I walk over to Bella and brush my hand through her hair.

"I'll see you soon," I whisper, placing a kiss on her forehead.

From a distance I could hear the others talking in a different room.

They hadn't realised that I had woken up, since I still have a faint heartbeat.

Interested to see what was going on I left Bella's side and vamp sped into the living room.

There I was greeted by surprised and protective faces.

"wummy," a little baby cried out in Esme's arms.

My eyes widened. I glanced at everyone.

"Emily," Esme greets, walking up to me, "we weren't aware that you had woken up."

I continued to stare at my child, "I saw Bella. She is probably going to wake up soon. It's been 3 days hasn't it?"

Esme nods, "yes, do you remember what happened?"

"I remember giving birth to Matthew. I remember Leah imprinting on him. I also remember seeing Jazz hold Matthew before passing out," I answer, "it all goes black after that."

They all give me a small smile.

"May I hold my son?" I ask, "I'll be careful."

Esme smiles widely," he's yours Emily. There's no need to ask."

She then slowly passes Matthew to me. I place his head on my arm, scooping him up against my chest.

"wummy," he giggles.

I smile and laugh at him. A few happy tears falling.

"Hello, Matty, I love you," I whisper, tickling his stomach.

"Wove woo thoo," he responds.

He then cuddles up against me and immediately sleeps.

I look up at the others.

"I've only been out for three days and Matthew can already talk," I state.

Carlisle responds, "he and reneesme are exceptional. They have been growing very quickly. I'm not sure why but we have a feeling it's because of the vampire side."

"Matthew has grown quicker than Reneesme though," Emmett states, pointing at the bundle in Rose's arms.

I smile, "it's probably because Bella was human while I was practically a vampire during the  pregnancy. Therefore it increased the growth rate slightly."

Carlisle nods.

I then move over to Leah, "I trust that you'll look after him."

She nods, "where are you going?"

"Unfortunately I need to work on getting my beautiful golden eyes back. I have held off long enough, but I'm starting to get an itch in the back of my throat, "I state, "And I don't want to hurt my baby boy or my neice."

Everyone nods.

Jasper entwines his hand with mine. I glance up at him and smile.

"I'll come with you," he offers, a glint of lust and happiness in his eyes.

I blush slightly, "of course."

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

Me and Jasper run through the trees, in the forest. I instantly hear a doe feeding quietly. I speed towards it and devour it straight away. Afterwards my hunger is completely gone and I felt so much better.

Jasper appears next to me. I turn to face him.

He smiles, "your eyes have turned back to golden, immediately. I have never seen anything like it."

I grin, "I'm just special aren't I."

He rolls his eyes, "let's head back."

He turns to leave, but I rush in front of him. He stares at me.

I push him up against a tree, and kiss him hard. He spins us around and presses me against the tree instead. He then kisses me too.

We part and stare at each other, I give him a look as if to say, later.

He nods and we both rush back towards the house. As we get closer I hear Bella confronting Jacob about imprinting on her daughter.

Jasper looks at me and joins his family. I see Bella push Seth hard into a tree. She then goes to push Jake. This time I intervene by throwing Bella into a tree.

She gets back up and glares at me, pissed.

"Hey, sis. See your awake?" I state, grinning at her.

She goes towards Jacob, but I stand in front of him.

"Move," she demands.

I shake my head, "no."

She advances towards us and I sigh, and move to hold her in a chokehold. I spot Edward move towards me, I give him a look and he backs off.

"Bella, you and I both know what imprinting is. C'mon think about it. Jake explained it to you once, you know it's about them protecting the other, and being what they want them to be," I inform her.

"But Reneesme is just a baby," she states.

"So is Matthew but you don't see me complaining," I tell her, "besides Jacob knows that. He wouldn't do anything and you know it."

She sighs, and I let her go.

She pushes me into a tree and everyone tenses.

"That's for hurting me," Bella grins.

I stand up, "alright I deserve that."

I then walk over to her and we hold hands, "now come meet your nephew."


Emily Swan✨Breaking Dawn Pt 2✨Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now