Chapter 8

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Emily's PoV

The next morning I got up and packed Matthew's bag, for dad's today. I quickly prepare breakfast as the doorbell goes.

I answer the door to find, Bella and Renesmee.

I bend down, "hello sweetie, I'm about to wake up Matthew, but there is pancakes on the table, if you want some."

She grins and nods enthusiastically.

I smile and look up to Bella, "I'm just gonna wake up Matthew."

She nods, "we'll be in the kitchen."

I then speed off and knock on Matthew's door.

"Sweetie, it's time to wake up," I say, "can I come in?"

"Yes mum," he replies.

I open the door and quickly get her some clothes for him, open the curtains and face him.

"Your cousin is here, with Aunt Bella. I need to you to get dressed, there's pancakes out there, which you can have before we go to Grandpa's."

He nods, smiling.

I then walk out of the room and back into the kitchen. Two minutes later Matthew comes rushing in.

"Food!" He yells, sitting next to Renesmee.

I laugh, along with Bella and watch as our kids eat their breakfast.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

An hour later, we are all piled into the car with Jacob travelling to my dad's house.

Jacob turns to Bella, "I'm surprised you took a break from Jedi training."

Bella smiles, "If I don't take Renesmee to my dad, he'll come to us. Not so great."

Jacob sighs, "I know that's what you told Edward."

"She's not wrong you know, Jake my dad would turn up and out place isn't exactly human friendly," I state.

He rolls his eyes, " Whatever. I'm just glad to get away from all those reeking bloodsuckers. "

Bella gives him a look of disapproval while I just laugh at him.

Jake apologises, "I'm sorry. I know. They're the good guys. But come on, Dracula One and Two are creepy."

We all laugh loudly.

Bella then pulls the car up outside dad's house. And Renesmee and Matthew jump out the car and run up to Dad and Sue.

"There they are my little munchkins," dad greets bending down and hugging both of them.

"Oh! Wow! Look at you. You've both grown half a foot! Seriously. Like 6 inches," he states, glancing at me and Bella.

We give him a look as if to say, don't ask.

Emily Swan✨Breaking Dawn Pt 2✨Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now