Chapter Two.

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" No way! It's Tra-" Before Miranda can scream, Maggie put her hand over Miranda's mouth.

" Calm down, Miranda." Maggie said embarrassed.

Miranda nodded. Just then, Travis had a phone call. Travis answered his phone and walked away.

" Sorry, I've gotta go." Travis said to Miranda and Maggie apolitically after he hanged up.

While Travis put back on his disguise, Justin walked to their car.

" Well, this was an interesting day." Justin said laughing.

Miranda nodded.

" It was nice to meet you today, Miranda." Justin said as he started the car.

Miranda blushed," Thanks." 

" Move your butt, Travis!" Justin yelled as Travis glared at him.

" Bye guys! Hang out with us next time!" Maggie yelled waving her arms as Travis and Justin drove off.

" Why didn't you tell me, when you met Travis and Justin?" Miranda exploded.

" I wanted it to be a surprise." Maggie whimpered.

" I could've dressed up for it." Miranda yelled as she looked at her clothes.

" If I'd tell you, you would've acted girlie." Maggie said laughing.

The next morning was Friday. Maggie and Miranda were in the janitor's closet. It was their hang out place right before class started.

" I can't wait until Valentines Day!" Maggie squealed.

" Why are you so happy?" Miranda asked laughing.

" I want candy...." Maggie whispered embarrassed as she looked down at the ground.

Miranda laughed. Halloween and Valentines Day are Maggie's favorite holidays.

After school, Miranda and Maggie raced to the mall.

" I totally forgot about the Valentines dance!" Maggie yelled as she shuffled through dresses.

" Oh yeah, tonight's the dance. I totally forgot that they changed it to tonight." Miranda said examining a pink dress.

Maggie nodded. 

" I wonder who I'll go with as a date." Maggie said sighing.

" It depends. If you can get one." Miranda said laughing.

Maggie looked at me with her mad face as Miranda laughed.

Miranda and Maggie spent an hour at the mall, looking for clothes. Finally they exit the mall carrying handful of shopping bags.

" I just spent my whole allowance." Maggie said laughing nervously.

When Miranda and Maggie dropped their bags off at Miranda's house, they both agree that Maggie was going to stay the night.

 They both left Miranda's house again and walked to the park. When they got there, they saw Travis and Justin sitting on a swing.

" Hey guys!" Maggie yell running towards them.

Travis and Justin smiled. After a few minutes, we were chatting away like chipmunks.

At 6:45, Miranda tapped Maggie's shoulder.

" We should go get ready." Miranda whisper to her.

" Gotta go, guy sorry." Maggie said looking at her watch.

" Where are you guys going?" Justin asked curiously.

" We have a school dance to go to." Miranda explained.

" Can we go?" Travis asked.

" Um" Miranda said speechless.

" You don't already have a date, do you?" Travis asked determined.

Maggie and Miranda shook our heads.

" Then we're coming with you!" Justin said happily.

PHOTO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maggie

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