Chapter Six

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" Should we tell her?" Maggie asked over the phone.

" I don't know." I said sighing.

" I mean we just known her today. We could wait for a few days till we can trust her." Maggie suggested.

I nodded," Let's do that."

*One week later*

" Happy birthday!" Maggie and Jackie yelled when I got to the classroom.

" Um, thanks guys." I said laughing.

" You want to see your present now?" Maggie asked excitedly.

" How about later?" I suggested.

" Okay." Jackie said smiling.

At lunch, Jackie brought me a cake that she made herself.

" Thanks so much Jackie!" I said happily.

She laughed," No problem."

" You want to see your present now?" Maggie screamed, jumping up and down.

" I don't know, should I?" I asked sarcastically.

" You better say yes, or Maggie is going to explode." Jackie said laughing.

" Alright then." I said excitedly.

Maggie ran up to the stage ( In the cafeteria), and whispered something backstage. She picked up a microphone and started talking.

" Hi peoples, today is Miranda's birthday!" Maggie yelled over the microphone.

" What is she doing?"  I asked embarrassed as I tried to cover my face.

" I don't really no, but she does a good job embarrassing you." Jackie said laughing.

" Well, this is my present for her! Let's welcome her favorite singer, Travis Star!" Maggie said clapping.

" Wha-" I said shocked.

" Wow, how did she get him here?" Jackie asked amazed.

" Who knows?" I said laughing nervously.

After school was out for a day, I saw Travis waiting for me in his car outside of the school.

" Hi.." I said nervously. 

" Hey Miranda. Um, I have something to ask you later. Can we go somewhere right now?" Travis asked hopefully.

" S-Sure." I stuttered nervously as I climb into his car.

" I'm sorry about what happened last time." Travis said blushing.

I thought of the day he kissed me and I started blushing like crazy.

 We talked for a little while until we got to the airport.

" Why are we here?" I asked confused.

" We're going to Paris!" Travis yelled and pushed me into his privet jet.

After an hour, we arrived to Paris.

" Let's go to the Eiffel Tower!" Travis said excitedly.

When we got there, we went to the top and Travis smiled.

" It's so pretty." He said smiling. 

" Why did you bring me Travis?" I blurted out.

" There's only one reason." Travis said laughing.

" What?" I asked curiously.

" You know this city is called the City of Love?" Travis explained as I nodded.

" Well we came here because I have to ask you something really important." Travis said blushing.

" What is it?" I asked desperately.

" Will you go out with me?" Travis asked embarrassed as he held my hand.

" U-Um," I blushed.

" What do you think?" Travis asked hopefully.

" So you took me here just so you can say those words to me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

" Yea. Was it bad?" He asked frowning.

I shook my head," It's so romantic!" 

" So that's a yes?" Travis asked grinning.

I nodded laughing.

" Yes!" Travis screamed jumping up excitedly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2012 ⏰

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