First Training Session

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Among the many things that Gipsy learned at the Pet Academy, she had learned to be stealthy, very stealthy when she wanted to, and even Alex's light sleep was no match for her skills. She got up at dawn after a night where sleep wouldn't come easy because of the high expectations the girl had for the following day.

As she lay in bed, Gipsy listened intently in the dark, as she had often done at the Academy, trying to figure out the actions behind every tiny noise that reached her. When she was sure that both parents were on their way to work, and the servants were busy with their everyday chores, she slid out of Alex's bed and changed into everyday clothes. Just a pair of wide camo pants and a black tank top, but it was the best she could find among Alex's wardrobe.

She went downstairs and had an early breakfast consisting of juice, toasts and blueberry jam. Gipsy loved every single bit of every meal. The food she had been eating at the Academy was nutritious but as bland as porridge and this was a new delight for her senses. Before going back upstairs, she grabbed a bowl from the kitchen and did her best recreating the oats and water porridge she had been served at that dreadful place. By the time she was done, the kitchen was a bit of a mess, but since there was someone there who was being paid to do the cleaning and who would eventually come back from the store and take care of everything, she didn't bother cleaning.

Her next stop was a bathroom in the furthest side of the west wing of the house, where no one ever went at that time of the day. She had been carefully studying the routine of everyone within the Vance household during the previous ten days, to make sure everything would go according to plan. Inside, she took out a thin bamboo cane from under her clothes and stripped off her her clothes from the waist down. Then, she moved her hand a couple of times, swinging the cane and imagining someone else holding it. When she had calculated the right angle to make it believable, Gipsy stroke hard, once, twice, three times... she had been grinding her teeth and wincing with every stroke, but it was nothing considering to some of the punishments she had had to endure due to her rebelliousness. After making sure the markings would last a week at the very least, Gipsy put her clothes back on and smiled smugly at her reflection in the mirror.

Then, she returned to Alex's room at the attic and went to her secret box. Gipsy took the improvised riding crop, inspecting it in the dark, feeling every inch of it with her fingers, trained like those of a blind man by all the time she had been kept in the dark, to make sure it was perfect. When she was satisfied, the girl walked to the cage where Alex had been sleeping and ran the tip of the crop against the bars, making a soft clanking sound every time it slid from one of the bars to hit the next. The flexible thin stick inside it made it conveniently bendy.

Alex woke up with a start, but the restrains that had kept her awake most of the night didn't let her room for much movement. Yet, she struggled in the floor, trying to scream despite the ball gagging her. The blonde girl had a wicked smile in her lips as she looked at her prey. Now she had finally started to understand the unnecessary cruelty she had sometimes been treated with by her caretakers. The adrenaline rush... the sheer thrill of having someone completely at your mercy was incredibly sweet. That didn't make her any less resentful towards them, but, at least, her previous life had started to make some sense for the first time.

"Good morning, sewer-rats! Today is the day when you officially begin your pet training, so I don't want any troublemakers, understood!?" The blonde repeated in delight the words that had been told to her years ago, trying to imitate the way her instructors had always talked, so full of authority and pride. She even stood like them, with her back straight and legs slightly apart, in a position of superiority.

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