Chapter 3

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*Still your pov*

"Okay class since a lot of you didn't pass yesterday's Chemistry quiz. The one's who didn't pass will be doing revisions. Those who did pass will be helping them." Groaning could be heard throughout the whole room. I could only think of how lucky I was for being a transfer student. Maybe I can just sit here. Suddenly a girl raised her hand.

"Ma'am what about (L/n)-san she wasn't here when we took the quiz, she informed the teacher.

"Well you see (insert random name here)-chan, (Y/n) scored really high on the Chemistry portion of her entrance exam, so I figured she'd help out." The teacher finished.

'But why though T^T.' I could only internally sob at my misfortune, laying my head onto my desk trying to disappear, only to be tapped by someone.

I look up to see a titan!? Wait no he's just really tall well not as tall as a certain purplenette (this is now a word if it wasn't before) I know.

"Can I help you um...?" I trailed off hoping the blonde would tell me his name.

"Tsk it's Tsukishima Kei shrimp, and the teacher said to come over here or whatever." He said a smirk pulling slightly on his face.

"Oh okay, what do you need help on?" I asked him not effected by what I assume were his attempts at riling me up.

I noticed that his smirk seemed to falter, and was now placed with a frown.

"Tsk" was all he said before plopping down in the chair close to my desk, and pointing to a random problem on the paper.

Sighing at his behavior I look at the question he pointed to.

"Hydrogen cyanide is a colorless gas that is poisonous, and smells like almonds..." I started reading the problem out loud, and pointing out what he did wrong, and how he should have done it. Surprisingly he didn't make anymore "tsk" noises, maybe he's upset.

After I was done explaining he quietly thanked me, and went to go sit by a male with dark greenish brown hair and freckles.

'Well I guess he wasn't so bad.'




~Time skip end of the day~

I sighed as the bell chimed signaling that the school day had come to an end. I started packing up, but was stopped by Haruna asking me if I wanted to go to the convenience store with her to get meat buns. Sadly, I had to decline not wanting to think of what Father would do to me this time if I was late. I really didn't want to go home, but I must. I don't need more bruises on top of the bruises I had gotten this morning.



Opening the door to my house I instantly notice that it's darker than usual. "Maybe he left, and won't come back." I sneered to myself at the mere thought of being free.


I wonder if I spoke to soon.

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