The Dream Chasers

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Jordan's POV
Nicky pulled up this cute little house that I'm guessing was Chris and Matt's house. "Hey guys come on in!" Matt says as we got out of Nicky's car. "Thanks for having me over guys." I say "Yeah what she said." Nicky says as I chuckled "Stealing my lines already I see." I say "It's no problem at all guys. Anyway who's ready to get this party started?" Chris asks as we all cheer. "Great babe could you help me get the movie started?" Matt asks "Of course!"  Chris says as Nicky and I went to take a seat on the couch. "Alright while you get that set up I'll go pick a movie!" Matt says as Chris rolls his eyes "Typical always leaving me to do the work." He says "You love me!" Chris yells as he leaves to get a movie leaving his boyfriend to do all the work. "Need help?" I ask "Yes please I haven't used this thing in ages. It's a dinosaur!" He says as I laugh helping him with the DVD player. "Okay I'm back!" Chris says as he jumps on his boyfriends back. "Did you miss me?" He asks "Of course I did." Matt says as he kisses his boyfriend. "Aww I so need to get a photo of this!" As I pull out my phone. "Smile!" I say as they both suck their tongues out while still smiling. "Aww cuteness overload!!!" I say as they laugh and Chris got off of Matt. While they put in the movie I posted the pic on Instagram.

 JordanTheKid: Aren't they the cutest! Love these two!!!"Send me that picture would you?" Matt says "Of course!" I say as I sent him the picture

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JordanTheKid: Aren't they the cutest! Love these two!!!
"Send me that picture would you?" Matt says "Of course!" I say as I sent him the picture. I look up at the screen and laugh at the movie they picked out. "Camp Rock? Seriously guys?" I say "What it's a classic!" Matt says "Yeah and plus I thought it only right since Demi's the one that put us all together." Chris says "True." I say shrugging my shoulders I put my phone aside and payed attention to the movie. While Demi and I weren't exactly the best of friends right now that didn't mean I couldn't watch her movies. Plus Camp Rock was one of my favorite movies growing up. I practically have this movie memorized. We danced and sang along to all of the songs and goofed off. "Dude you should sing This is Me with Nicky at the end!" Chris suggests "I mean if Nicky's cool with it then I'm down!" I say trying not to blush. "I'm always down!" Nicky says just as Mitchie tells the head of the Camp guy forgot his name but she tells him that she found the loophole and he says "I was so hoping you'd catch on to that! Now go out there and rock it poppet!" In his British accent. "Alright Jordan your time to shine!" Matt says as I rolled my eyes and sang Demi's part. The boys and Nicky even acted the part where Shane's like "That's the song!" Then as soon as Nicky started singing the boys pulled their phones out no doubt filming Snapchat videos. As the last chorus came around we harmonized perfectly and then held the last note for as long as possible. I ended up loosing my breath first. "Damn you've got some lungs Nicky!" I say as she laughs and I can't help but smile. As I look up until her blue eyes I just want to kiss her. Ugh what the hell Jordan! "Aww I ship it! Jicky? No um Nickdon?" Matt says "Just let the fans come up with it. I'm sure they'll figure something out." Chris says chuckling "whoa fans?" I ask "Yeah you know how at rehearsal last week there was a camera set up in front of you." Matt says "Yeah? Wait did you post that on YouTube?" I ask "Yeah and it blew up! I mean look at this! Almost 100,000 views!" Chris says showing me on his phone. "Whoa that's insane!" Nicky says "Yeah and check out these comments. 'Wow amazing cover! Please do more!' And 'Hey isn't that Jordan?! She's in a band that's cool!' Whoa Demi's fans recognize me. That's kinda cool." I say "Yea so guys we have the group together now we just need to come up with a name." Matt says "I've got nothing and I'm usually the creative one." Chris says "Yea same here. Ugh I wish there was just some hat we could pull cool band names out of." I say "I've got it! The Dream Chasers!" Nicky says "I actually like that!" Matt says "Yea and our fans could be called Chasers!" I say "Alright then it's settled now let's make a YouTube and social media account for the band." Chris says as he got his boyfriend's laptop and started making the social media pages while the rest of us made the announcement of the new band we were starting. "Alright now that that's outta the way why don't we play a little game of 20 Questions since the whole point of this get together is to get to know eachother better." Chris says "Okay I'll start. What are your guys' Majors?" I ask "Phycology because humans are interesting and weird." Matt says as we all chuckle at his response. "Music has and always will be my number one passion." Chris says with a smile. "I don't really have one. I'm just getting my general ed over with and then I'll choose in my junior year." Nicky says "Same here. But I'm kinda thinking English because that's always been one of my favorite subjects in school." I say "No way me too!" Nicky says with a smile. We continued playing the game until we got bored and decided to play Truth or Dare. "Alright Nicky Truth or Dare?" Matt says "Truth." Nicky answers "Alright Do you have your eye on someone?" He says wriggling his eyebrows. "You know nevermind Dare!" She says "Alright then I dare you to take a shot of hot sauce." He says "No come on! That's shit is gonna hurt!" She whines as we laugh. "A dares a dare!" Chris says handing her a shot glass filled with hot sauce. "And you're gonna need this afterwards." I say setting a glass of milk on the coffee table. "Okay ready. Go!" Matt says as we all record her down the shot like a champ and then chug the milk as we all laugh. "That's so going on Snapchat!" I say as I post it on my story. "You guys are so mean!" Nicky says "But you love us!" I say "Sometimes." She says laughing as I put my hand over my heart. "Hurtful!" I say as she chuckles. "Jordan Truth or Dare!" She says as I smirk "Dare!" I say "Alright then I dare you to let me take you out to coffee tomorrow at 5" she says smirking victoriously. "Are you asking me out on a date Manson?" I ask "Looks like it Jones and it's one you can't refuse." She says sticking her tongue out at me. "Alright I'll go but only because i never back out of a dare." I say "Mhm sure!" Chris says as I roll my eyes at him. I check my phone to see that it was almost midnight. "Damn is it really that late?" I ask "Yeah and it's getting dark out. Why don't you guys just stay the night. I mean I'd feel better if you guys stayed in and you know didn't get murdered." Matt says "Aww you're so sweet Matt!" I say "Yeah Chris he's a keeper!" Nicky says as they both blush. "I'll need to text Demi about it so give me a sec." I say as they nodded. I pulled out my phone and texted Demi.
To Superstar😒: Hey Superstar,Gonna spend the night with the boys. See you when I see you.
From Superstar😒: Okay have fun!
I rolled my eyes. 'Have fun!' What am I 10? "I can stay." I say "Sweet there's only one guest bedroom though." Chris says "I'll take the couch then." Nicky says but before she could head to the couch I grabbed her wrist. "No wait actually I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with you." I say "Trying to get into my pants already I see." She says sending me a wink. "Yes. Wait no I mean no. That couch is just really uncomfortable." I say as she chuckles. "Alright so it's settled. Night guys! I'm gonna head off to bed." Chris says "Yeah me too. See you guys in the morning." Matt says as he follows his boyfriend to their bedroom. "You up for another movie?" Nicky asks "Sure!" I say as I sat on the couch. She put on The Santa Clause and I get really excited because it's one of my favorite Christmas movies. "I love this movie!" I say jumping up and down like a 5 year old. She laughs and shakes her head. "I can tell now sit before you wake the guys up." I do as she says and sit down next to her. Halfway through the movie I decided to lay my head on her shoulder. I feel her chuckle quietly. "You comfy?" She asks as I nodded she chuckles again and drapes a blanket over us. "So much for that guest bedroom." She says while I chuckle and cuddle up to her. When we finished the movie Nicky turned the tv off and then proceeded to get up much to my dismay. "To the guest bedroom we go!" She says picking me up like a kid and carrying me to the spare bedroom. I chuckle as she lays me down on the bed. "Hey Nicky?" I say as she lays down next to me. "Were you serious when you asked me out on that date?" I asked curious to see her answer. "Well yeah kinda I mean it doesn't have to be a date if you don't want it to be." She says rubbing the back of her neck. "No it's okay." I say smiling at her "Okay" she says and I couldn't quite tell if she was blushing but I have a hunch she was. I don't know what it is about her but I just feel so strongly about her. My heart speeds up when she texts me and everytime I lock eyes with her and stare into those blue orbs my world just stops. I mean I haven't felt this way in a long time. Not since Alex. Shit there I go again thinking about her. I wince just thinking of that memory. "Hey Jordan you okay?" I hear Nicky ask. Huh I thought she was asleep. "Yeah just thinking." I say "Well don't think too much babe. You should get some rest." She says turning to face me. "Okay um do you mind if we cuddle? I always sleep better when I'm cuddling with someone." I say she smiles and opens her arms. I got closer and buried my face into her neck. "Goodnight Nicky." I say before I drift off to sleep I feels pair of lips kiss my forehead making my heart beat speed up and then also heard. "Goodnight Jordan."
A/N: Awwwww cute right? So any ship names for Jordan and Nicky? Also what do you guys think of The Dream Chasers? Alright well until next time love you guys!

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