Say You Wont Let Go

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Jordan's POV
A few weeks later the day of MSG
I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. I looked at the time and it was 7 AM. I sat up and looked over to the sleeping beauty to my right. I smiled as I watched her sleep peacefully careful not to wake her up I got out of bed and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Today is gonna be a beautiful day." I whispered in her ear as I went to prepare for the day. As I left I made sure that my camera was fully charged I wanted to record the day with Demi and my band mates. Not only because I was going to propose to Demi but also because today we are playing Maddison Square Garden. I turned the camera on and pointed it at myself. "Hey guys today is gonna be a big day!" I whisper to the camera as I held up my mother's engagement ring and smiled at the camera. I shut off the camera and went to go wake up my bandmates. I knocked on their hotel door loudly. "Nicky! Chris! Matt! Wake the fuck up!" I shouted as I heard two familiar people chuckle. I looked down the hallway to see two members of Fifth Harmony. "Lauren? Dinah? What are you two doing up so early?" I asked the girls as they walked towards me. "Nicky forgot this in my room last night." Lauren says smirking holding up the room key. "Oooh what were you two lovebirds doing last night?" I ask wriggling my eyebrows at the older girl. "Whatever it was it was LOUD!" Dinah says as we both burst into laughter while Lauren turns a deep shade of red and shoves Dinah playfully. "Shut up anyway do you want to wake up your bandmates or not?" Lauren asks as I step aside and let her open the door. "Wake up losers we're going out for breakfast my treat!" I say as the two members of Fifth Harmony and I barged into my bandmates messy hotel room. "This can't wait until noon?" Nicky says glaring at me as Lauren giggles at her. "Well looks like you guys don't want to help me with the proposal today then?" I ask as both of the boys shot up. "We're up!" They both said in sync as I laughed. "Alright I need you two to keep Demi distracted and away from all of us. Do you think you can do that?" I ask Lauren and Dinah. "I think this calls for all the members of Fifth Harmony and Demi to have a little shopping spree!" Dinah says "And a long dinner in which we will keep Demi stalled while you get everything ready." Lauren adds as I smile at both of them and hugged them. "You guys are the best. Text me once you're out of the building!" I say as they nodded heading out of the room. "Alright what do you need us for?" Nicky asks getting up. "I need to go over the plan with you guys and I need your help recording the video that I plan on posting on our YouTube channel tomorrow." I say handing the camera to Nicky. Nicky has always been interested in directing and anything having to do with filming so I knew she'd make something beautiful out of today. "Okay I'm down! Where to?" Nicky says smiling taking the camera from me. My phone buzzes and I see that it's a text from Demi.
From Soon to be Wifey💍💕:
Hey babe! Missed waking up to your cute face today! The girls are taking me out for a little shopping spree. Wanna join?
I smiled as I read the message.
To Soon to be Wifey💍💕: I would love to babe but the gang and I are going out for breakfast and then we are planning to rehearse for tonight! Tonight's the big night you know? I'll catch up with you later though! I love you!❤️
"Well I just told Demi we were all going out for breakfast so IHOP anyone?" I say as they all cheered in response. Nicky set up a time lapse camera outside on their balcony so she could include some of those clips for transitional scenes in the video. As the boys were getting ready Nicky had turn the camera on and started asking me some questions. "So Jordan are you nervous?" She asks "Are you kidding? I've been nervous for months right now I'm anxious and excited." I say smiling at her. "Any predictions as to how Demi's gonna react?" She asks as I chuckle envisioning my girlfriend's face. "She's definitely gonna cry that's for sure! I just really want her to say yes." I answer honestly. After a few more questions Nicky turns off the camera. "Do you want me to go over the chords to the song today in rehearsal?" Nicky asks as I nodded "Yea I need the help. I've been practicing when Demi's been out but I still get stuck." I say as she nods "And we can't let that happen at the show." She says smiling. "Alright your kings are ready!" Matt says jokingly as we both roll our eyes at him. "Looking devilishly handsome as always your majesty." Nicky says sarcastically as I chuckle but it was true he was dressed in a Pink Floyd shirt with a red and black checked flannel and his famous black jeans. "Well you have me to thank for that!" Chris says coming out in his white polo shirt along with some blue jeans and I noticed they were wearing matching chucks. "Wow you had to match somehow." I say chuckling at them. We soon left the hotel and while Nicky was recording the city the boy and I were joking around. No doubt in my mind that Nicky caught me almost falling on camera. The whole way I was messing with the ring box in the pocket of my jeans. "Jordan it's your turn to order." Nicky says snapping me out of my thoughts. We were now all seated in a booth in IHOP and the waiter was waiting for me to order. "Oh right um let me just get a hot chocolate please." I say handing him the menu "Not hungry?" Matt asks me I shook my head "Not right now at least." I say "Okay but you're eating something today. We can't have you fainting on stage." Chris says as I nodded smiling at him. I loved how they cared for my health and wellbeing it's Important to have people like that around you. Especially on tour. As we talked and ate I went over the plan with the boys. "Okay so while I'm making my speech the boys will take this flash drive and hand it to one of the stage crew and as I invite Demi on stage I'll dedicate the song to her and start playing the song. The slideshow will start playing. And once I finish the song I'll hand the guitar to Nicky and then as I turn to Demi I'll get down on one knee and speak from the heart pull out the ring and wait for an answer" I say as they all smile "I cannot wait! Guys our little Jordan's about to be engaged!" Nicky says as I rolled my eyes at her. "I knew this day would come!" Matt says wiping away his fake tears. "Alright well lets pay and head to the venue for rehearsal." Chris says as I pulled out my wallet "Nope not on my watch Princess." Nicky says handing the waiter her card. "Thanks Rockstar!" I say smiling at her. We head to the venue and then a sudden realization hits me. "Wait I haven't asked her family for their blessing!" I say as they laugh "Your so traditional Jones." Matt says as I rolled my eyes at him. "Nicky could you set the camera up over there I wanna get this on the video." I say pointing to the nosebleeds of the venue. "You've got it! But you're gonna have to wear this!" Nicky says holding up a mic. "Alright mic me up!" I say as she chuckles and attaches the mic to the my shirt. "Alright you're all set! Good luck Jordan!" She says as I chuckle "I'm gonna need it." I say as she leaves with the boys. I took a deep breath and pull out my phone "Alright here we go!" I say to myself as I pressed on Maddie's contact.
(A/N: The italics will be the people on the phone. Normal writing will be Jordan.)
After the third ring she answered.
"Hey Jordan what's up!" She asks as I smiled "Hey Mads! Um I wanted to ask you something." I say nervously "Okay shoot!" She says as I felt the butterflies go crazy. "Would it be okay with you if I asked your sister to marry me?" I ask as I could practically hear her smile. "Jordan like I told you in my bedroom when you met the rest of the family. I'd love it if you became my older sister legally! So yes!" She answers I smiled "Okay thanks Mads now I'm going to call the rest of your family. So don't tell anyone else got it?" I ask "Got it! Can't wait to see the video!" She says as I hang up. Alright next was Dallas.
"Heyyy Jordan!" She answers as I smile "Hey Dallas you got a sec?" I ask hoping she wasn't in the middle of one of her acting classes. "Yeah what's up?" She asks "Um I was wondering would it be okay with you if I asked Demi to marry me?" I say as she squeals and I was glad my phone was on speaker as I laughed. "Is that a yes?" I ask "Yes that's a yes! I told you I can't wait for you to get married and have babies!" She says as I laughed at her enthusiasm. "A wedding I can promise but kids I'm not so sure." I say as she laughs. "Alright well good luck Jordan!" She says as I smile "Thanks Dal! I'll talk to you later!" I say as I hung up. Two down. Two to go. I called Diana next.
"Hey Jordan! How's tour?" She asks as I nervously paced back and forth "Hi Mrs. Delagarza um Tour's good. I actually called to ask you something." I say doing my best not to stutter. "Is everything okay hon?" She asks concerned "Yeah everyone's good here. It's just I love your daughter so much Mrs. Delagarza and I want to have in my life for as long as I live. And before I ask her a very important question tonight I wanted to ask you first for her hand in marriage." I say speaking from my heart "Oh My Goodness! Jordan! Yes of course! You're already a huge part of this family it's only right." She says I could tell she was choking up. I smiled and shed a few tears myself. "Thank you so much Mrs. Delagarza!" I say smiling "Jordan we're gonna be family please Diana is fine." She says as I smile "Alright then I'll see you soon Diana." I say as she said goodbye and wished me Good luck with asking Eddie. I hung up and took a deep breath. "Alright now time for the last and most important one." I say as I called Demi's stepfather my heart was racing and I could feel my palms clam up as I heard him answer. "Hello Jordan!" He says greeting me. "Hi Mr. Delagarza, How are you?" I ask him "Good. Thank you just at work. How about you?" He asks I sighed as I prepared myself. "Good just at rehearsals for Maddison Square Garden." I say as I began to feel like I was gonna throw up. "Jordan is everything alright?" He asks "Yeah I just called because there's something very important I'd like to ask you for Mr. Delagarza." I say as I took a deep breath as i waited for him to respond. "You can ask me anything Jordan." He says I exhaled as I opened my mouth to speak again. "Mr. Delagarza, I've known your daughter for many years. She's made me feel safe when no one else could. She's made me see the light on some of my darkest days. She's given me hope when I thought there was none. Mr. Delagarza i would love nothing more than to love and cherish every moment I have with your daughter for as long as I live. I love her so much and she's the one I want to marry but before I ask her that very important question I had to ask you for your blessing." I say finishing one of the many speeches I have to give today. I swear heard him get choked up as he answered. "Jordan I expect you to take care of my little girl. You asked for my blessing and you have it. Welcome to the family Jordan." He says as I smile "Thank you Mr. Delagarza." I say "Jordan one more thing." He says "Yes sir?" I ask as he chuckles "Eddie is fine Jordan" I chuckle "Okay Eddie. You sure I can't call you Dad?" I ask he laughs "I'll think about it. Good luck Jordan" I smile and thanked him as I hung up the phone. I let out a huge sigh of relief as I went to stop the camera and then went into the rehearsal room. I handed the camera back to Nicky as she handed me my guitar. "Alright show me what you've got." She says as I smiled and took a seat and started playing the song. I messed up a few times but Nicky showed me a few ways to keep that from happening. Soon I was playing it like a pro. "We brought food!" Matt says as he and his boyfriend walk in with burgers. "Thank God! I'm starving!" I say putting my guitar down as I went over to grab myself a burger. "We figured so we got you an order of large curly fries." Chris says handing me the fries. "I love you guys!" I say hugging them as they chuckle "So in order to earn your love we just needed to buy you food?" Matt asks as we all chuckled and sat down to eat. Soon we all were getting dressed in our suits and Nicky was recording me put on mine. "This is gonna be longer than the wedding video." I joke as she laughs "I'll put some music on the video so it isn't boring." She says as I laugh fixing my tie. Soon I was tying my converse cause who said I can't wear my converse while I get engaged? Quoting Demi damn I must be nervous. I looked at the ring box in front of me and picked it up and opened it just make sure the ring was still there and sure enough it was. I looked at the ring and a memory started playing in my head.
I was maybe 5 helping my mom with Dinner that's the first time I noticed the ring on her finger. "Mommy why do you have that ring?" I ask her being the curious five year old that I was. She looked at the ring and smiled. "Well your Daddy gave it to me." She says stirring the sauce for spaghetti. "Why?" I ask as she chuckles "Well you see Jordan when two people love eachother so much they decide to make a promise to be together forever and so your Daddy gave me this ring when he asked me if I would make that promise with him. Someday you are gonna get asked the same question or maybe you'll be the one asking. Either way you must remember that you have to really love the person and know in your heart that they are the one you want to love for the rest of your life." She lectures my five year old self "Okay mommy." I say not understanding half of what she said she knelt down to my level and stuck out her pinky. "Promise?" She asks I wrapped my pinkie around hers and said "Promise!" She smiled and attacked me with kisses.

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