Celebrating a Sold Out Show

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Jordan's POV
"THANK YOU NEW HAMPSHIRE!!! GOODNIGHT!!!" I yelled as my bandmates and I ran off stage. We had just finished the encore of a Sold out show. Our first one to be exact. "Holy shit that was awesome!" I say taking out my ear ins and turning to my bandmates. "I know! Their energy was great!" Nicky says agreeing with me. "Yeah and they were so loud! My Ears are still ringing." Matt says "What?!" We all shout pretending we couldn't hear him. He rolls his eyes as we all start busting out laughing. "Hey guys there's a hookah lounge a couple blocks away from the hotel we're staying in. Wanna go celebrate there?" Chris asks wriggling his eyebrows. "I'm in! I haven't been to a lounge in the longest time!" Nicky says with excitement. "You know I'm down! I'm excited to try the flavors they have." Matt says as they all look at me. "I don't know guys I mean I've been clean for almost five months now. I don't want to ruin that." I say looking around making sure Demi wasn't around. She'd kill us if she ever knew we were talking about this. Me especially. "Come on dude! We'll be there and it'll be in a safe environment. It doesn't hurt to do it this one time." Matt says trying to convince me. "Demi will never find out." Nicky says knowing that's what I'm most worried about. "Okay but what about the paps what if they take a picture of us going in?" I ask worry lacing my voice. "We'll go in the back way. My cousin owns the place so that's how I found out about it." Chris says I sigh and give in. "Not a word about this to Demi. If she finds out about this she'll kill me. Literally." I say as I feel some hug me from behind. "Not a word to me about what?" My girlfriend asks kissing my neck. "Um nothing babe it just turns out um." I start looking at my bandmates for help. "We missed the due date for an Essay that was supposed to be turned in for our English class." Matt says as I look at him with a grateful look in my eyes. "Babe! Why didn't you tell me!" Demi asks concerned "I don't know. You seemed stressed and I didn't want to stress you out even more. Look I'll go to the boys room and work on it with them tonight. I'll turn it in with an email explaining why it was late." I say making up an excuse for why I need to be in the boys room. Demi runs a hand through hair. She always did that when she was worried about something. "Okay are you sure you're not gonna need any help?" She asks with her big brown chocolate eyes. Fuck I feel so bad for lying to her about this. "She'll be fine Demi I minoring in English for a reason you know." Nicky says coming to my rescue. "Okay Jordan are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Demi asks with her concerned 'I wanna help you' voice. No I'm going to a Hookah lounge tonight with my bandmates there's no essay that was due in English I'm sorry for lying. Is what I wanted to say but instead I said "Yeah I'll be fine babe I've got these guys by my side." I say with a confident smile. "Okay if you say so baby." Demi says kissing me. "And once you're done with that." She leans in close to whisper in my ear. "Maybe we can have a little time to ourselves to celebrate tonight." My eyes widen as I feel her squeeze my ass as she walked away I turned back to watch her sway her lips. She turned back to wink at me and blew a kiss in my direction. "See you tonight baby." I nodded as I started walking backwards while biting my lip and being the clumsy person that I am almost bump into one of the crew members. I hear Demi's melodic laugh fill the hallway as I help him pick up the papers I made him drop. "Dude that was a close one." Chris says "I know. Thank you guys for having my back. Now we just need to make sure I don't get too high and we'll be good." I say "Yeah because someone wants to get laid tonight." Nicky snickers as she bumps shoulders with me. "Shut up!" I say rolling my eyes at her as I playfully shove her while she laughs. "Wait you guys haven't done it yet?" Chris asks as I shake my head. "We've started doing some foreplay but she keeps teasing me telling me to wait a while longer. She keeps promising this amazing night and that she's gonna make it worth the wait." I explain to them. "Well you know Demi. She always wants to make every moment memorable." Matt says I nodded agreeing with him. "Yeah which is exactly why we need to make sure you're not seeing a unicorn with purple hair Fucking you when you are in bed with her tonight." Nicky says making me laugh "Or scream Nicky's name instead of hers." Chris teases as Matt and Nicky chuckle. "Dude she would kill me if I did that! Like you guys don't even know. She'll make it look like an accident too!" I say horrified at the image of Demi killing me. "Okay you have been watch way too many crime shows Princess." Nicky says "I can't help it they're so addicting!" I say as they all laugh at me. We made it to the hotel we were staying at and went to the boys hotel room. We did a couple of snapchats there so Demi wouldn't suspect anything. "Whatcha working on there Jordan?" Nicky asks with phone recording me. "An Essay" I answer continuing to type. "This is why you never go on tour while you're in school kids." Nicky says as I flip her off. The snapchat must have ended because I hear her chuckle and then type something on her phone. I took a blurry picture of the screen and captioned it
When you forget to do an essay for English😩😩😩
"Alright guys I think that's enough snapchats to cover our asses. Let's go!" Chris says as we all head out of the hotel room. We went out the back way so that way we could avoid fans and paps seeing us. Once we made it to the lounge Chris texted his cousin to let him know that we were here. "Hey man how've you been?" Chris asks as he bro hugs his cousin. "I've been good man. Just got back from Costa Rica. Lot of hot babes over there. It's good to see that you're still with Matt." His cousin says. The dude was about 6 foot and he was covered in tattoos. He was wear a SnapBack along with a black shirt and jeans. "Please he couldn't leave me even if he tried." Matt says as his boyfriend rolls his eyes while the cousin laughs. "And who are these lovely ladies?" Chris' cousin asks checking Nicky out. "These are Nicky and Jordan. Nicky, Jordan meet my cousin Jake. Also don't get your hopes up Jake they're both gay." Chris says as Jake's smirk drops and he looks a little embarrassed. "Oh uh sorry then." He says "It's no problem dude. I get mistaken for being straight all the time." Nicky says fist bumping him. "Yeah same here. It's nice to meet you man!" I say also giving him a fist bump. "Alright well come on in! Enjoy yourselves. The hookah pens are over there, Drinks are over there and well yeah that's it. Now if you excuse me I think that brunette over there is calling my name." Jake says as he walks over to a clearly drunk girl. "Quite the charmer." I say to Chris as he rolls his eyes at me. "Give him a break he just turned 21 so he's allowed to do this legally now." He says "Technically speaking out of all four of us, I'm the only one who's legally allowed to be here." Nicky says "plus I bet you guys don't even know how to smoke." I look at her with my eyebrow raised. "I know you did not just go there Mason." I say as she smiles innocently at me. "What are you gonna do about it Princess?" She asks as I look over at the hookah pens and grab one and took a hit. "Hey it's cherry flavored." I say surprised "Of course you'd get cherry." Chris says winking at me. "Says the boy who has the banana flavored one currently in his mouth." I say as he face reddens. I burst out laughing at his expression and almost choked on the smoke as I took another hit. "Whatever we all know that Demi's got a taste for Jordan's Cherry." Matt says as I feel my cheeks heat up. "Yeah and apparently she's taking a bite tonight." Nicky says taking a hit from her pen. "You guys are assholes!" I say just as the DJ starts playing Cool for the Summer and my bandmates start laughing. "Perfect timing!" Chris shouts as I shook my head and we all started dancing. We didn't get too high but we were definitely high enough to be almost tripping over eachother laughing on the way back to the hotel. "Shhh! Okay guys I'll see you in the morning." I say winking at them as they giggled. "Okay remember you're fucking Demi not a fucking unicorn." Matt says "Got it! Demi no Unicorns." I say "It's good thing that you still remember her name." Nicky says I roll my eyes as I slid the key card to open the door. "Goodnight!" I say as I shut the door behind me. I quickly spit out the gum that I was chewing to hide the scent of the hookah pen that I basically had finished. "Hey baby did you have fun with your bandmates?" I hear my girlfriend say as I turn around and my jaw dropped. My girlfriend was wearing nothing but this long black robe that went down to her thighs. She was wear black launderer and she had her long wavy hair down. She was wear dark red lipstick which she knew drove me crazy. "Holy shit!" I say as I looked at her up and down. She smirked at me. "Like what you see baby?" I simply nodded I couldn't believe how beautiful and sexy she was. "Told you it'd be worth the wait." She says as she walked towards me and dropped the robe. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my lips hard and pressed me against the door. She pressed her leg against my center which made me moan. She pulled back and smiled "Your breath smells like cherry." Fuck "Well we all went to this candy shop to celebrate and I just finished a cheery lollipop." I lied phew close one Jordan. "Okay well I hope you don't crash within the next hour." She says smirking as she grabs me by my shirt and pulls me to the bed. She sits on my lap and reconnects our lips as she reaches for my shirt. I smile "I'm so glad you're not a Unicorn with purple hair." She looks at me confused. "Babe are you okay?" She asks me. "Yeah I'm just really really loopy." I say as she raises her eyebrow at me. "Let me smell your breath again." She says as I blow air well carbon dioxide but still air into her face. "Cherry. Babe did you go to a hookah lounge?" She asks as my eyes widen "No where'd you get that crazy idea from?" I ask as she gets off of me and goes to put the robe back on. "No come on baby don't do that." I say standing up "Jordan just get out. I don't want to deal with this not right now. We'll talk about this in the morning. I'm not mad I'm just disappointed." She says I sigh and nodded. "Can I at least get a goodnight kiss?" She turns to look at me with her brown eyes. She comes over to me and places a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you Jordan. You just do stupid things sometimes. But just because you're my girlfriend now doesn't mean you get to get away with stuff like this Kid." Demi says surprising me with the old nickname. "Whoa you haven't called me that since we got together." I say surprised  "I know but you're acting like a kid so if that's the way you want to be treated then I guess you'll have to wait a few more days for that special night." She says as I groan "Seriously that's the way you're punishing me?" I say as she giggles "Looks like it. Now go to Nicky's room and sleep. Goodnight." I roll my eyes as I head out of the room and into Nicky's room. "What are you doing here?" She asks confused as I step inside. "Demi's putting me in the dog house. She found out." I say "Fuck man! How?" She asks sitting on the bed. "Well I mentioned the unicorn with the purple hair just as we were about to do it." I confess "Ugh! Jordan nice going man. How's she punishing you?" She asks confused as I raised an eyebrow at her. "How do you think? I have to wait longer now so thanks a lot." I say sarcastically as she chuckles "Wait so she isn't gonna have sex with you until this blows over." She asks I nodded as she smirks "You know if you ever want it to happen sooner you could always just make her sexually frustrated. Get her back for all the times she's teased you." She suggests as I smirk "That's not a bad idea. I think I might just use it." She smiles "Told you I'm a genius." I roll my eyes at her as I get on the bed. "Shut up and scoot over." I say as she laughs and we both are out like a light. Oh Demi you have no idea what you're in for.
A/N: Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm just really busy with school and keeping my grades up cause I sorta have to graduate high school. But I promise I'll try to update more frequently. Also I have started writing a new book. It's called The Only Exception. And it's a Lauren Jauregui fanfic. So go read it if you like those kinds of books. Anyway until next time guys! Love ya!

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