Chapter 23

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Sorry for the long wait. I'm hitting a really hard writer's block and just feel lost in this. I'm getting some help though, so I should be back up and running soon. :) This chapter is illy written, so I apologize. I'll fix it later on.

Harper's POV

I thanked John the chauffeur as he drove the limo to the other side of the mansion, where the garage is. I took a deep breath as I watched the limo disappear, remembering how much fun I had with Noah today. It was fun to fool around like we always have. I thought it was so awesome that we were best friends just as much as we were a couple. We already knew each other, inside and out, and we knew how to have fun together and act like a couple of kids. It just made our relationship that much more special.

I walked through the grand door entrance and nearly ran into Jeffrey, who was carrying a box of cleaning supplied in his arms. The moment he saw me, his cheeks tinged with pink and he gave me an uncomfortable smile. I couldn't help but wonder if he still felt bad about thinking I was shallow. I smiled back at him and began making my way towards the stairs.

Before I had reached the top, I felt someone grab my wrist, nearly pulling my arm out of its socket. I turned around and saw Jeffrey had set the box down and chased me over here. He looked around with nervous and cautious eyes, before nodding his head towards the grand door entrance and tugging my wrist a little.

At first, I was confused. Why didn't he just say he wanted to talk? Then it clicked in my head, and I felt like an idiot. He's never liked talking in public. Just because he talks to you every once in awhile doesn't mean he talks to everyone.

I smiled and nodded, silently following Jeffrey as he guided me outside the entrance, never letting go of my wrist. He led me out towards the forest, and only stopped when we were out of plain sight. He let go of my wrist and turned to me, looking unsure of himself.

"Um, Harper," Jeffrey started, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just- I wanted to apologize. I judged you as just a snobby rich girl, and that was unfair of me, especially since we've practically been around each other our whole lives and-"

"Jeffrey, it's okay," I interrupted him, putting my hands on his shoulders. "Don't worry about it. I'm used to people thinking I'm a stereotypical rich girl. Besides, it's not like we've ever really gotten to know each other before, right?"

Jeffrey looked at me, his blue eyes filled with a swarm of emotions. I found myself wishing that I knew exactly what he was thinking, but I didn't know why. Before I could sort out my thoughts, Jeffrey looked down at his shoes, then up at the sky, before looking back at me with a small smile.

"Well, I'd like to make it up to you," he said. I knew it was more for him to stop feeling guilty, so I just nodded. "How about later on this week, we'll grab your mom's horses and go riding through the forest? I know this really cool spot that I think you'll love."

I scoffed. "Oh yeah, good luck convincing her of that!"

Jeffrey laughed. "What, you don't think I can do it?" There was a challenge to his words, but I knew Connie better than he did. There was no way she would allow me to go. She has a huge fear for wild animals, not that I blame her, and she was scared to death of me getting eaten or something.

"No, not at all," I replied honestly. "I know for a fact you will never convince her to let me go. Go ahead and try, if you think I'm wrong, but it will be a waste of your time."

Jeffrey looked at me with a look I couldn't read, then walked away with a smirk, calling out to me over his shoulder. "We'll see about that."

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