Chapter 1

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Have you ever sat in your bed at night, and just listened to the rain? Cleared your mind, and only listened to the pitter-patter sound of the water hit your roof, the ground, the trees.... Everything? Have you ever been sitting there just listening, when a sudden scream interrupts your thoughts? That's when my whole world turned upside down. The night I heard her scream.

Chapter 1: The Day It All Started

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. That was the only thing going through my mind as I layed in my dark room. I don't know the exact time--3:30AM, maybe?--when I heard it. I didn't know what it exactly was; as far as I knew I was home alone--Dad at work, Mom on a buisness trip, my older brother out at a party, and my twin sister spending the night at our friends house. I got out of bed as quickly and silently as I could, grabbed my brothers old baseball bat, and slowly started down the stairs. 

I didn't know what to expect when I got down there. Maybe to think it had been my imagination or something. But instead, I saw my mom, laying on the ground, gasping for breath. I rushed to her side, and she was sitting there, bleeding. She looked at me, but the look in her eyes was so glossy.... It was as if she was looking through me. 

"K...Kali...Kalista..." her voice was a whisper.

"What, Mom?" I managed to choke out.

"Take the family...Take them... Take them to Jason's house... They... They'll be safe... There..." she winced at the pain in her side. I noticed the stab wound... Where did it come from? Who did this?

"Safe from what?" I was crying now. 

"Him.." Was all she said before I watched as her eyes slowly rolled into the back of her head, and felt her breathing come to a stop.

I called 911 after that. They said there was nothing they could do, but they would come by and get the body and figure out what happened. I put her on the couch and slowly went up the stairs before breaking down on my bed. I grabbed my phone off from where it sat charging on my dresser to see if anyone called; normally Kabecka and our friends text me when I'm not there. And I had 3 missed calls from Dylan, and 2 texts from Kabecka. 

I hit dial and waited for Dylan to answer.

"Hey, what's going on? You were supposed to pick me up 20 minutes ago."

"Where's your car?" I whispered.

"You took it, remember? Just incase I drank?"

"Oh yeah..." My voice trailled. "Dyl.."

"What happened. You sound upset?" He said back, concerned.


"I'll find another ride home. Be there in 5." He said, and hung up. 

I sat and starred at my phone for awhile. I didn't know what to do. Should I call Dad? No, he's working... He's always working. I was scared out of my mind. 

"KALISTA." I heard Dylan's panicked voice.

"In my room.." I yelled.

He rushed in and immediately pulled me into a hug. He looked me right in the eyes, and said, "We should tell Dad."

"No." I said firmly. "He hasn't done anything good for our family. Mom's last words were to take us to Uncle Jason's to save us from 'Him'... And even though I don't know who that is, I'm saving us from him. We aren't telling Dad. We are packing up and leaving. Leaving without telling him; just leaving."

Dylan looked at me. He may be 2 years older and a senior, but he still listens to me. His eyes searched me. They saw the fear, the sadness, but most importantly, my confidence in my decision. After thinking it over, he nodded his head.

"Okay." He said. "We'll call Kabecka and Uncle Jason and leave in the morning." 

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