Her Butler, lost memories

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Suddenly I heard something drop on the floor. I looked up from the book and stood up, I walked over to the dropped book from the bookcase and grabbed it and put it back. Certainly I was pinned against the wall and I looked over. There stood a dark dressed maid, long white hair and red eyes like mine. Guess also a demon. She pointed her sword at my throat and moved up with it so my chin was touching it and made me look up at her. "You walked right into my trap." The dark maid said. "May I ask what you are doing here?" I asked her. "You know what I am doing here. Don't pretend that you don't know." She said. "Let me guess.... You were not invited to the party, and you're mad at me." I chuckled. "Don't you dare to tease me!" She said madly and pointed the sword closer to my neck. "If you don't tell me the truth, I will slit your throat until you bleed to death!" She yelled. "Oh my, shall I be a victim of your little scene? Or do you want to be a victim?" I smiled and turned her around and pushed her against the wall and pointed her sword against her neck. She was surprised by my actions. "Now the tables have turned. Is that what you wanted?" I said. "I am not impressed." She said. I brought my face closer to hers. "So what's your name darling?" I asked seductively so she would fall for it. "I won't fall for your seductive ways demon." She Said. "Hmmm.... Interesting... A demon who doesn't show any emotion. You are like Claude Faustus who i met a few years ago... How interesting." I said. "Would this be also interesting?" She said and let the sword disappear from my hand and summoned her sword back to her, and pointed the sword back to my throat. "I am impressed of your power, maid. You could be useful for a servant of this mansion." I said to her. "Enough of your games! I was stalking you for a while now, and I saw you were hanging out with cats! Just exactly what Lucretia dreamed!" She said madly. "What was about that dream?" I asked. "She had a dream that you was a murderer. That your past was that you was born in a catholic family and you were sold to work in the mines. And your only friends was some cats, and one day a superior killed all of them and so you lost your mind and killed everyone. You then escaped and came to a church. You wanted to become a angel and you have. How could a angel be so evil?! It was a big mistake that you fell in love with her. Her best place was to stay in Breyhill church and was a big mistake that she have met you. If you wasn't been there, she had a normal life. But you, you dragged Lucretia in your own problems. You shouldn't have been born." She said madly. Her last line made me very angry. "HOW YOU DARE TO SAY THAT?! I AM NOT A MURDERER, EVEN IF I AM A DEMON NOW. BUT I ONLY MURDER PEOPLE IF I HAVE A CONTRACT!" I yelled at her and grabbed her neck and strangled her. "She already knows your past, her heart is going to break if she hears about the truth that you are a murderer!" She said. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT MY PAST, BUT I LOVE HER." I said not knowing what i said. I love her? What is this? Do I have a part of Lucian inside me? I letted go of her throat and sighed. "She already know that you might be a murderer. And you can't change it back." She said. How could I say such a thing? I never loved anyone in my whole life. Never even had that feeling. What is going on?! I walked over to the book and went to the updated page. "After some thinking, Lucretia said that in her dream Sebastian or Lucian only friends were cats. She also knew that this isn't a lie, but the truth. Her dreams always tell the truth. She knows that the only way is to order Xenella to stalk Sebastian, the black butler of the Phantomhive household. After telling Xenella the story, Xenella immediately went to the Phantomhive mansion and waited on the roof of the mansion. She looked down and saw Sebastian with cats. After a while Sebastian went back inside the mansion and Xenella followed him. He went to the library and read a book. Xenella wanted some answers from him..." "So you have been following me?" I said to the maid. "Yes I have, and I saw everything." She said. "Have you already told her about this?" I asked. "No not yet, but i am planning to do so." She Said. "She must not know if that's true. If you tell her, she know that I am truly a murderer. Which I am not." I said. "You can't stop me Sebastian from telling her the truth, I don't trust you at all." She said and walked away. I looked at her madly, she cannot tell her the truth! If she does, Lucretia may think that she loved a murderer. But i am not Lucian! Why does everyone think that I am Lucian? I am a normal demon born from hell. And Lucian was a human who turned into a angel, well... A fallen angel since he didn't followed the rules that was given to him. I grabbed the maid's arm and stopped her. I need to find a way to stop her from telling Lucretia the truth. "If you go tell her the truth, I might as well kill you here." I said to her. "There is no way that you can kill me. Infact, I have a symbol on my arm that connects to Lucretia. And if I am murdered by you, she will notice it." She smiled wickedly and pushed my hand away from her arm. "Well you leave me no choice..." I smiled wickedly back at her. she had a confused look on her face when I said that. I tied her hands behind her back and taped her mouth. "Hmmm!?" Her mouth muffled. "I will keep you captive for a while so that you won't tell Lucretia the truth." I chuckled. She looked at me with angry eyes that she want to kill me right here and now. "Walk." I commanded and pushed her forwards. She angry walked forwards and we went to the basement. I tied her to a chair and still gave me a death glare. "Hope you will enjoy your stay!" I laughed and walked out of the basement and locked the door behind me...

~~6 hours later~~

It was already day and woke up the lord a few hours ago. Me and the servants already doing the duties until the young lord screamed. "SEBASTIAN GET YOUR ARSE OVER HERE!" Ciel yelled. I realized that I still held the maid in the basement, maybe that's the problem. I walked towards my young master and he was indeed in the basement. "Yes?" I asked. "Yes?! Well can you explain this!? don't tell me that you have done something terrible!?" Ciel yelled. "What do you mean, something terrible?" I asked. "You know!... What you did in a cottage and in the circus?!" Ciel yelled again. "Oh no my lord. I only do that when you order me to." I smiled. "What the hell Sebastian! I only ordered you to get information! Is that YOUR way to get information!?" Ciel yelled again. "Well what else can I do? Murder them?" I smiled. "You know what? Nevermind. So who is this?" Ciel said. "Her name is Xenella. She is a maid of Lucretia, and is 18 years old and doesn't show any emotion at all. Her past is also unknown. Her favorite flowers are roses." I said. "I see that Sebastian, but why is she a captive in my mansion?" Ciel asked. "She wanted to tell Lucretia the truth about me." I answered. "What truth?" Ciel asked once again. "The truth that I am a murderer, which that I am not." I answered. "So, what's the deal?.... Oh... I understand now. You have feelings for her don't you?" Ciel said smiling. "I don't have any feelings for her young master. It's just complicated." I said. "Sure..... Whatever you say..." Ciel said. And there was a long silence...

~~Lucretia's POV~~

It's the first day that Xenella stayed that long. Has something happened? She isn't dead or else I will feel some part that ripped from my heart. I sighed and wondered why she doesn't come back. "What's wrong mistress?" Lawrence asked and gave me my favorite tea. "Xenella is gone for a day and she hasn't come back yet. Normally she would be back in a few hours..." I answered. "Maybe finding the truth takes a few days." Lawrence said. "Maybe your right, but still... What if Sebastian is a murderer?" I asked. "If he is, I will stay at your side forever. And end his life forever." Lawrence answered. "I can't think of it, if I had stay in the church, I would have a good life. No problems, live in peace. But why did I chose to side with Lucian? Only that I fell in love with him? How could I fall in love with a murderer?!" I said upset. "You didn't knew that he was a murderer. And Sebastian is Lucian himself..." Lawrence said. "What? He is Lucian? That doesn't make sense, he died because of Ash Landers. And he is a demon." I said. "He didn't die at all, Ash Landers erased Lucian's memory and turned into a fallen angel, or may i say.... A demon..." He said. "Wait.... Fallen angels are demons? And Lucian's memories was erased by Ash? Tell me more." I said. "Lucian was banished after that and was send to hell. And a few years later, a young child summoned him and called him Sebastian. He doesn't know you anymore, his memories are erased. aswell his past...." Lawrence said. "And the only way to know if he is Lucian himself... Is to kill him....."

The long lost lover (Black Butler Story) Sebastian x LucretiaWhere stories live. Discover now