Hard Decisions

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  "Lu-Lucretia?!" I said shocked. "I don't know you! So stay away from me!" She yelled at me. "She is... I mean was Lucretia? She is the witch!" Horace said. "Maybe she isn't Lucretia at all." Fred said. "No. She has the same eyes like her. And her black curly hair. This is Lucretia." I said to him. "You are idiots! I don't know who the hell Lucretia is, but my name is Amy...." She didn't finish her sentence. It seems she doesn't know her last name. "Alardice." I completed her sentence. "Alardice!? And how do you know!?" She yelled. "I am a reincarnation of your lover. His name was Lucian Myles, and he was a angel. He died when he protected you against another angel. He sacrificed himself for you." I explained. "What do you mean protected me!? I don't remember anything!" She yelled. "That's... Because the same angel... Erased your memories." I sighed and remembered the event like it was yesterday. "I don't believe in angels!" Amy yelled again. "Then what am i? When i was fighting the same angel, you stabbed yourself in the heart. And that's why you are a grim reaper now." I explained. "Sad story to hear from someone who lost his and her lover." Fred said. "What are you going to do now huh?" She said angry. "I don't have much choice.... We have to keep you captive." I said and grabbed her but she loosened herself with her strength. "Don't touch me demon!" She yelled and grabbed my throat. Fred and Horace both was shocked and tried to loose her grip but was useless. She was stronger. "I know what you demons did to me!! You all should be dead and burned by your own fire!!" She yelled and tightened her grip. I was struggling to breathe. "Let him go witch!" Horace yelled at her. My nails was digged into her skin and blood trickled out of her hand. The sword immediately turned into a scythe. Horace quickly grabbed her scythe from the ground and slashed it towards her. The scythe hit her arm and was bleeding. She immediately loose her grip and i fell on the ground breathing for air. She fastly went on the roof and soon was gone. Fred ran towards me and helped me. "She was strong! What is she!?" Fred yelled. Horace still had her scythe but soon vanished out of his hands. I soon was recovered and stood up. "She was a demon. It seems she is twice as strong as a normal demon. I guess she is a hybride between demon and reaper." I said and my throat hurted alot. "Well we should never mess with her." Fred said. "Something happened to her... She said that demons done something to her. But what?" Horace asked. "I don't know." I said to him. "She started to attack when you grabbed her arm." Horace said. "It doesn't make any sense! If she is summoning the demons, then she doesn't hate demons at all." Fred was thinking. "Or perhaps Sebastian was that demon who did something to her. But maybe you can't remember." Horace said. "I don't know. I don't think that i was the one who did something to her. If i did, then i should remember it." I answered. "We'll see. We are going to meet her again and get answers from her. But i know that she won't tell you right away." Horace said. "We are going at day. We'll go to her grave and see if she's there." I said. "My mistress said that she's only active when it's full moon." Horace said. "And if she is not giving any information, what then?" Fred asked. "I have another way to get information but i don't know about it." I said to them. "What do you mean?" Fred asked. "I give two types to get information. Intimidate or Seduction." I said to them. "Don't tell me that you are going to... Well you know..." Fred said shocked. "Well if she isn't getting nowhere, then maybe its the best." Horace said. "That's... Well i'm not going when it's full moon tomorrow." Fred said and crossed his arms. "I don't know if it's right to seduce Amy until she gives me information. Intimidating isn't good either." I said to them. "We'll see tomorrow. Maybe you don't have to do anything at all." Horace said. "Well if you have information, please tell me." Fred said. "We will." Horace said. "Good now i am going home. It's late and i need to sleep." Fred said and walked away. "Let's go back to the mansion." Horace said and we went back to the mansion. Celia immediately ran towards us. "And? Found the witch?" Celia said curiously. "Yes we did. It was Amy, and she looked the same as Lucretia. She didn't remember me and almost killed me. She said that demons did something to her, but we don't know what. We are going tomorrow night to her grave. We need information from her. I was thinking by the way if i should intimidate her or seduce her until she gives me information." I said to her. She was turning red. "You-You mean that you.... Will..." Celia stuttered. "Like i said. Maybe. I don't know what's best. Both of them are wrong, but if i don't do one of them, she won't give me information what we need. Maybe during that seducing thing, maybe i can find her seal on her body. That gives me the information that she is the witch. Which intimidating her wouldn't." I said and looked at her. "It might be the best way, but you only know her today! You can't just..." Celia said and didn't finished her sentence. "Yes and No. Yes is that i have met her as a grim reaper today, but no that she is Lucretia. And i knew Lucretia for months." I answered. "Enough of this odd talk. We'll see what happens." Celia said. "I really don't want to do this again, but it's the only way. Only she knows why she is summoning demons if she is the witch ofcourse." I said to them. "No! She must be the witch! She was the one wearing a cloak and murdered those people." Celia said. "We will see tomorrow when i have the information. For now, it's already late. We need some sleep." I said. "Where am i going to sleep?" Celia asked. "Well we have a guest room ofcourse. Follow me." I said and both followed me upstairs into the dark hallways. I grabbed a candelabra and walked towards the guest room. "Here is your room." I said and opened the door. "Thanks, and goodnight." Celia said and closed the door behind them. Now i was all alone walking the dark hallways and suddenly a painful headache came. I grabbed my head in pain. I felt something under my nose. I holded up two fingers under my nose and looked at the fingers. My eyes widened. This is blood! Why is it coming out from my nose! I hastily went downstairs and went to the kitchen and grabbed a tissue. I holded the tissue to my nose and waited until the headache disappeared and the nose bleeding. What is this!? I never had this before! Did the witch cursed me!? The headache was unbearable. Even for a demon it hurts. After a few minutes the headache and the bleeding stopped. I wiped my bloody fingers off and threw the tissue away. I sighed and continued my work. What a awful day this was...  

The long lost lover (Black Butler Story) Sebastian x LucretiaWhere stories live. Discover now