I'm sorry - Itachi one shot

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I'm sorry...this is a sad one. Don't read if you are prone to crying uncontrollibly like me~~

Yeah, it's kind of short....Fail whale....


I was sitting on a bench positioned on top of a hill, feeling the typical Konoha breeze brush against my face. I smiled, playing with a strand of my typical black-ish blue spikey hair that made me an Uchiha. Too bad that's probably not going to last for long....

I always come here. For the view. The scenery. The sound of the birds chirping in the trees towering over this benchchair.

But mainly for the peace and quiet. The peace and quiet I longed for, but was always too good to be true.

I sensed his chakra appear behind me, as I continued to stare down at the beautiful village. Konoha will never be the same again.

"You've made your decision?" I asked quietly, afraid to hear the answer, even though I was already mentally prepared for it.

Too bad I wasn't emotionly prepared. That sucked.

"Yes." He said, still standing behind me.

"Are you really going to..." I hesitated, shutting my eyes and preparing for the worse. "kill everyone?"

There was a moment of silence, as the wind blew roughly against my face. "I think even you already know the answer to that Kiyo."

I smiled, but not a geniune happy smile. You know the one. The one where you smiled when you knew it was coming, yet still surprised by the truth. I stood up and faced him, staring into his hypnotising crimson eyes.

I bit my lip as I felt my eyes get watery. "I think the 'even' was unnecessary Itachi..."

"I'm sorry." He replied, while putting and hand to my rosy cheek and wiping the teardrop away.

It was silent for a while. We both just stood there, not saying a word. But it felt l was having one of the deepest conversations of my life. After a little while Itachi spoke once more.

"Are you upset?"

I chuckled and turned around, looking over the beautiful village, Konoha. Upset? "Baka. Of course."

"I'm sorry."

"No your not." I cried, tears streaming down my face now and my hands tightning.

I felt his body press hard up against mine, his warmth spreading across my back as his hands slowly wrapped around my waist. I looked away, avoiding his gaze while he pressed his lips against my cheek and slowly moving down to my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"You were always too innocent Kiyo-chan." He whispered, while gently nibbing on my ear causing my to arch my back slightly. "You are always so trusting in people, and in the idea of peace."

I closed my eyes tightly as my gently placed a finger under my chin and turning me so I was facing him. He soft warm lips pressed unto my ones as his hands wrapped around my waist. I slowly pulled away and looked up at him, wiping my watery eyes so I would be able to see clearer.

"You believe in peace! I know you do Itachi!! Thats why you are doing all of this, isn't it?!" I cried, while slamming my fists into his chest.

"I did." He replied.

"You do" I corrected.

He pulled me into another kiss before whispering into my ear. "I believe in you. You are my peace. Mine only."

I smiled into his chest, as he pulled my body closer and into a warm embrace. I closed my eyes as I felt him pull out a kunai. "It's time isn't it?"

"I'm sorry." Was his reply.

I gasped as I felt the sharp, cold kunai dig into my back. I gripped Itachi's shirt and pressed my face against his chest, screaming out in agony. The pain was sharp, and I felt my heart slow down...slower...slower...

The sun was starting to set in Konoha, and the view was the one of the last things I remembering seeing. It was a good view. My favourite.Too bad it was my last view.

I smiled, as I fell back into Itachi's arms. He gently placed me on the ground while kneeling beside my body.

"I love you." I smiled, as my vision started to turn darker. I tried to force my eyes to open, and my ears to try and hear what Itachi was saying.

"I'm sorry." Was his reply. I smiled my last smile, while watching one appear across Itachi's face for the first time. "I love you...Kiyo....I'm sorry."

My eyes closed and the hand that was gripping Itachi's arm fell to the green grass that I lay in. I took my final breathe in, inhaling the last of the peaceful air that wouldn't be felt anymore for a long time. I let myself fall into the darkness.

Goodbye Itachi.

I love you.


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