Rainy Days

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As the rain keep falling I wondered if it will ever stop.

As everyone grabbed their belonging's and rush to the hall so that they can sleep in a safe place, I stayed behind in my cabin. I laid down on my bed, and  looked out and watched the rain run down the window.

'Finally I have peace and quiet, I wounder if I should write a letter to Shae", I thought to my self.

As I wrote my letter it said:

Dear Shae,

Band Camp is not what I hoped it would be,  days have gone by like crazy and has rained non stop.

I wish you were here, you would have love the instruments and the recording studio.

Miss you and Caleb heaps and can't wait till I see you again.

Lots of Love

Your one and only sister

Alexandra :)

When I had finished, I walked down to the post box , in which was located at the entrance of the camp to post my letter.

As I returned to my cabin, someone was waiting for me inside.

"Are you Alex", said the mysterious guy. "Yes, and who are you supposed to be", I said in surprise.

"My name is Johnathan Graidman, a famous recording artist", he said with a serious tone.

"OK", I said with a dull tone to my voice. 

"I am looking for a group of singers and was wondering if you know of anyone" he said in a hopeful way.

I walk away slowly hoping he won't notice, when suddenly Anna Come to me a ask's " who's that hot guy, actually he looks like the senior from cabin twelve". "Thanks" I said to Anna walking towards the guy.

"Who the hell do you think you are trying to pretend that your a recording artist, but really your some senior wanting to get into someones pants. Do you realise that this cabin is off limits to seniors". I need to catch my breath saying that in a aggravating tone.

He looked a bit surprise and as he walk to his friends down the hill.

A few days have past and everyone was getting mail from there families and friends from back home. "Julie, did I receive any mail" I said hoping to hear from Shae.

"Here's you letter" said Julie.

I opened the letter and started to read.

Hey Midgey,

Good to hear from you Kiddo.

Haven't I always told you to never get your hopes up when going places and meeting people?

It's been raining here a bit too but obviously not as much as over there.

It's really cloudy here in Sydney but its fun to run around in.

Kyle's found a new victim and you will not believe who he's chosen this time, Mia Desmond. Mind you she is a ditsy blond idiot. She's not talking to me anymore because I had a go at her for going out with him.

I mean she's meant to be my best friend and she's shagging my ex. It's bloody disgusting.

I'm sure I would love all the instruments and studios.

I finally got enough money to get that grand piano, and I'm going get it when I get back to America.

Caleb's been fighting with Leah a lot lately and I don't think they’re going to last for very much longer.

Christian says OLA, he asked me out this morning and I don't know how to answer so I told him that I'd think about it.

Class has been running very smoothly. Christian dropped me the other day and I was not impressed at all. We're meant to be performing at the national ballet in two weeks so we've all been practicing really hard, well except for Mia and Kyle they've been shagging and making out every chance they get, it's really annoying.

Miss you Midgey and love you lot's.

The tall bitch,

Shae Lancar. :)

Anna interrupted and said “we have a long day tomorrow; we should go to and pack bags and sleep”.

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