On canada another crazy thing is happening (doge raptors: the great War by pandafanda88)there is a war lead by doge raptors... that's lead by doge raptors... that's crazy but this story is about U.S.A and how it ends...
Back to the story Donald trump has escaped from toiletopolis and is ordering dogs to attack Los Vegas...
Don't ask I am not Donald trump,Jeff is currently protecting Los Vegas...
Silver is befriending mittens thinking that he is a cat...The dogs are killing people in Los Vegas but then Jeff has an idea and throws bones at Donald trump half of the dogs start attacking Donald trump killing Donald trump the other h)alf kill Los Vegas excluding Jeff who has become a meme.A frog jump scares you... YOU ARE SO SCARED!!! You fall on your face...
Donald trump dies due to 3 million dogs attacking him and Los Vegas killing the city of Los Vegas.
Jeff heads to toiletopolis. And mittens gets angry at silver and kills him.
Survivors:Hillary Clinton, mittens,994 tiny toilet robots,JeffDeaths:Donald trump,silver,
HumorDoomed from the start a group of idiots try to tear apart the corrupted government of a toy store that sells tiny toilet robots.this story intensely grows as Donald trump kills a unicorn.this is a story of pure terror/pure insanity. Warning: Frog Ju...