Chapter 1

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Ezra was on a mission to his homeplanets as Ezra review his memories and 1 bad event Ezra remembers now after 14 years has passed 

Jedi Knight Ezra Bridger just defeated the droid army and was talking to the council and later with his padawan with half his battlaion with Commander Drake send a warning that Captain Ash may betray him due to believing the chancellor and Ezra said leave he will meet up with them. he still believe Captain Ash is loyal to him

"Captain Ash Execute Order 66." Sidious said

"It will be done my lord." Ash said as he nodded to 5 of his brothers as they pointed their blaster at Ezra

"So you are gonna betray me." Ezra said with a tear after fighting with A captain for 3 years with commander Drake

"I am just following order." Ash said as he nodded to get ready to open fire as Ezra ignited his purple lightsaber ready but was surprised at Captain Ash, Clone Trooper Slick, and clone trooper Cooper as they turned and killed their former brothers as the alarm went off

"General you need to go Cooper and Slick will cover for you I will distract them." Ash said

"I am not leaving you here Captain." Ezra said shocking Ash

"Sir." Ash said

"That an Order My friend." Ezra said as Ash nodded and they ran for awhile to see 4 clones against fifteen clones who said to four clone traitors as Ezra quickly engaged the traitor clones decapitated them fast

"Nice one General." Paul

"Paul, Claw,Nick Nuckle. come on Senator Organa ship." Ezra said

"Yes sir." Trooper replied as they get in Senator Organa ship

"Ezra what happened here." Bail asked as Leia kissed Ezra shocking only the trooper

"Senator Half the clone army turned against republic due to a sith lord." Ezra said explaining as he felt his holocorn just as

"This Is Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker. I report to you that both the Jedi Order and Republic have fallen please do not return to the temple on coursaunt Trust the force led it guide you in time we will find you soon and A new hope rise. (if THEY surivived that the who clone turned on them fully were unfortunate Jedi)

"Oh my god." Leia said sad

"The Republic has fallen." Ezra said sadly as Leia hugged him

"What now sir." Ash asked

"We need to meet with my former Master and fight a New War to restore the republic." Ezra said 

leia view point

"Father what going on." Leia asked worried when Ezra contact them that some of trooper turned on the Jedi

"I don't know But General Bridger contact me He said has commander and most of his clone loyal to him but he had those other clone turn on him except a few." Bail said

"Hurry Please." Leia begged

"Don't worry he won't die The clone will protect him." Bail promised as he noticed two clone coming with fighters

"They heard us." Leia said scared until relieved as four other clone open fire on them

Few minute passed as Leia saw Ezra jumped and kill some of his clone as 7 clone were shotting at the remaining traitors

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