Chapter 2

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After some dueling

"CALEB NO." Ezra yelled as Vader ended Kanan life

Ezra blade contact Vader blade as they started to battle for dominance

"I sense something more powerful The girl she is your sister." Vader said blocking Ezra attack as he force pushed him to the wall

"If you won't join me then perhaps she will." Vader said

"NEVER." Ezra said sending a massive force push on Vader who flew into a wall and kept going.

"Get to my ship." Ezra said


"That was close." Kate said sadly losing her master

"Yeah Too close." Ezra said as he noticed something hiding 

"Hold on." Ezra said as he grabbed the thing which is A little 7 years girl

"How the heck did you get on her Lucia." Ezra said shocked

"Senator Organa." Lucia said as Ezra nodded

"Your parents are not gonna be happy." Ezra said shacking his head

"Uncle Ezra please the mission over." Lucia said

"Uncle." Ahsoka asked

"This is Anakin Skywalker daughter Lucia." Ezra said introducing

"Anyways go to Leia I will make sure of it." Ezra said as he looked at Rex

"Rex watch her she a sneaky one like her father." Ezra said as Lucia whined

"Leia Organa you guys are still dating. I thought you would marry her by know." Ahsoka said trying to change the mood and which worked as Ahsoka had a smirk  as Ezra turned blushed embarrassed

"TANO. Fine Yes I am married but a serect until the empire falls." Ezra yelled and said in defeat as Ahsoka smirk

"Should I say the same when you were in Lux bedroom sleeping and I know you would have done it second time after you left the order." Ezra said smirking as Ahsoka paled as everyone laughed

"EZRA BRIDGER GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE." Ahsoka screamed as Ezra just saluted and ran

"OI GET BACK HERE." Ahsoka said running after her friend

"Holy Crap." Zeb said as Bale turned to see Kate

"Should we tell them." Bale said whispered

"With my brother not a good idea." Kate said scared as Hera heard it

"What about us not finding out even your brother." Zeb asked as Kate and Bale looked and smiled 

"I may have gotten Kate pregnant." Bale said and unfortunately Ezra heard it and stopped as Ahsoka by accident tackle him

"Ouch why did you stop." Ahsoka asked as Ezra just got up and help Ahsoka up before walking over to Bale Igniting his saber

"What did you say." Ezra asked as he saw Bale looked fear

"She pregnant." Hera said looking at 18 years old Kate Bridger who was looking down nervous 

"That It." Ezra snapped as Ahsoka smirked at having fun

"Hey Bale if you have never heard of Skywalker stories well Anakin is very  protective of Ezra and those two have similar personalties so You might wanna run." Ahsoka added as Bale ran as Ezra ran for Bale

"GET BACK HERE MANDO." Ezra yelled

"Will he be alright." Kate asked as Bale was running

"If He caught now Yes. If he keeps running for long time he may have injuries." Ahsoka added as they heard a scream

"I am gonna get him." Ahsoka added running after Ezra

Few minutes Later Bale came first revealing a scar on his body

"Bale." Kate said in fear

"I am fine. Your brother is really that powerful." Bale said as they see Ahsoka and a girl around Ezra age holding him while he was trying to let go

"I can understand your mad, but killing him is not gonna make it better." Leia said as Ezra grumbled

"Well I hate Mandalorians. If it was someone else that knew Kate and got her pregnant I would have only force pushed them twice on a wall." Ezra said as Leia kissed him

"Who is she." Kate asked

"My Wife Leia Bridger also Leia Organa." Ezra answered 

"Why you don't like my people." Bale asked

"Your Mandalorians killed all my friends for what we didn't do on Mandolor 

"The seven padawan massacre." Ahsoka said sadly remembering Ezra and her were the only survivors

"I Didn't know." Bale said

"I know your a Wren. Your father killed my friend Serena Calvin. She was a close friend." Ezra said as Ahsoka held Ezra back

"I am sorry for my father Action."  Bale said

"Why should I accept you." Ezra asked igniting his saber only for Ahsoka and Leia grip to tighten

"I will do anything to get you Trust." Bale said 

"Really," Ezra smirked as Leia smacked him in the bed

"No Your not sending him to the emperor to fight him." Leia said

"It isn't that." Ezra answered

"Let see if He can prove it to me buy the warrior." Ezra said as Bale looked up

"I accept." Bale said as both walked back as Ezra ignited his saber as Bale ignited his darksaber

"Prove it to me." Ezra said as Bale rushed at Ezra 

after one duel(I am tired I don't feel like writing a duel)

"I am not impressed." Ezra said as Bale look down

"But You do care for her. Break her heart I will order my troops after you." Ezra said as he felt annoyance from his sister

"Can we go." Kate asked as Ezra stopped her

"Yes but your training is not allowed." Ezra said

"Why not." Kate asked as Ezra face-palm

"You have a baby its dangerous to train or move a lot. Ezra stopped his padawan training for few months to take care of me when I was pregnant." Leia said as Ahsoka smirked

"Ahsoka If you ask her.I will make sure I tell Your Sister Shaak Ti THAT you were sleeping with Lux." Ezra said as Ahsoka widen her eyes

"You banged her didn't you." Ahsoka asked with a smirk as Ezra looked "2 seconds before I tickle you." Ezra said as Ahsoka turned and ran with Ezra behind her

"Man when He isn't on Jedi Business He like a kid." Leia said smiling

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