Chapter 10

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Ezra was meditating

"15 years old Ezra Bridger was training with his lightsaber which is purple as a Mace Windu was looking.

"The boy is powerful." Mace thought

"Padawan Bridger." Anakin said 

"Master Skywalker." Ezra said with a bow

6 month later

Ezra was deep in meditation when the shout came from the Council Chamber through the Force. He jolted up, trying to make out any words. It had come through the Force, but he couldn't tell who it was or what they were saying.


There it was again, and this time it was understandable. Ezra stood up, grabbed his lightsaber and hurriedly left the room. The halls were noisy that day, filled with eager Padawans and Younglings following their Masters to the lessons. Ezra had to duck around them, constantly apologizing in his rush to get to the Council Chamber. He could still hear the shouts through the Force, they were urgent, and lightsaber clashes rang in the background.

"You'll never get him! He wouldn't go with you anyway!" Anakin said

"We'll see about that! Besides, you've formed an attachment, and they'll take him from you!" Mace said

Who is this 'him' they're talking about? Ezra wondered, navigating through the busy halls. Thankfully, the shouting was easier to make out now, and that no one else could hear it.

Ezra arrived at the Council Chambers, and slowly opened the doors. Anakin stood on top of a chair, lightsaber ignited and held out in a defensive position. Mace Windu was standing in the center of the room, his lightsaber was also ignited and pointed at Anakin. "Yaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Anakin yelled, flipping off the chair and clashing blades with Mace Windu.

"You've formed an attachment to him, Anakin! It's against the rules!" Mace said as Anakin struck one last time, then vaulted backward, landing on top of a chair again.

"He's my Padawan! I'll make sure the council never lets him go on missions with you again!" Anakin bellowed, then apparently felt Ezra's presence. He lowered his lightsaber, glancing at his hiding spot behind the door, then slipped, smearing dirt on the chair.

"Masters?" Ezra stepped out from behind the doors, a confused expression on his face. Anakin looked sheepish as he deactivated his lightsaber, sticking it on his belt. Mace Windu did the same, then sat down on his chair. "What were you guys doing?!" Ezra shouted, gesturing at the now trashed Council Chamber. Some of the chairs had tipped over, some were covered in dirt, one had been thrown against a window, but didn't break the glass.

"Practicing?" Anakin guessed, staring down at his Padawan.

"Right." Ezra gave him a look, one that made Anakin squirm.

"Just practicing with Master Windu, that's all." He gave a nervous chuckle, fingering his lightsaber hilt.

"Anakin did need a bit of brushing up on his skills." Mace Windu said as he took his lightsaber hilt and began observing it.

"Okay, then." Ezra took a step backward, and stepped on a broken training droid. "Master Yoda is not going to be happy." He muttered, lifting his foot and shaking off the bits of droid, then leaving the room. He heard the familiar noise of lightsabers being ignited, and immediately ran back, seeing the two Jedi standing around looking innocent. "Never mind." he murmured, hurrying away. Once Ezra was outside of the Council Chamber, the lightsabers ignited again, and Anakin shouted "Just 'cause you found Ezra, it doesn't mean he should be your Padawan! Sure your teaching him Vappad but I choice him cause we have the same personalty feeling and we trust each other"

"So that's what it's all about, huh?" Ezra said, leaning in the doorway and scaring the Jedi. "You guys are arguing over me?"

"No!" they both shouted, acting innocent again. Ezra shook his head, leaving for good this time.

That evening, Ahsoka heard the best yell yet, but it didn't come through the Force. Master Yoda was probably in the Council Chamber at this very moment, and woke up half the Temple with his scream of "My chair! Windu, what happened to my chair!"

Flashback end

Leia was trying to wake her husband up

Ezra looked at his wife

"What." Ezra asked 

"I heard you were laughing." Leia asked as Ezra kissed her and told the reason why as Leia was on the floor laughing

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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