Chapter Eleven: His Brother

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Milo could feel Beck's expectant stare boring into the back of his head, but he didn't pay it any attention as he paced back and forth anxiously. For once, Milo couldn't come up with a backup plan, the wrenching pain in his gut was too distracting.

How had Louis known? Blaming Beck was the easiest answer, but it didn't seem to add up. Sure, Beck might be predisposed to being a little indecisive, but surely the half-exhausted teen didn't have the mental fortitude to remain at odds with himself for so many weeks. Besides, why would Louis put him in jail with Milo if he'd been the informant?

"So, you really didn't tell Louis?" Milo sighed, stopping mid-pace for a split

second to give Beck what he hoped was an intimidating look.

"No," Beck confirmed, rubbing his forehead, "I really didn't. I had hoped my father locking me up would be enough evidence."

Milo paused again and raised his brow, "No need for the attitude."

Even though Milo's back was turned, he could feel Beck's eyeroll, "Honestly Milo, you've got enough attitude for the entire town."

"Oh, okay, Mr. Perfect." Milo grabbed the bars of the cell with both hands and shook them.

"Y'know, you'd get a lot farther if you weren't so combative all the time." Beck's tone was relatively even, but Milo could pick up on a hint of edge.

Milo turned around to face his half-brother, "Yes, because nobody likes me," He felt some triumph in seeing the regret on Beck's face as he quoted him, "Well, guess what, Annette liked me, but she's gone now, about to be tortured and probably killed by your psychotic dad and freaking Jen's dad."

"Really, Milo? I was just making a suggestion."

"Well," Milo stretched the word to make it two syllables, "now is not really the time for character improvement, Beck. No thanks to you, we're stuck in a cell while Annette is being experimented on in our freaking high school gym."

Now Beck was angry, "What did I do?"

Milo laughed bitterly, "It's more like what you didn't do. You didn't even try to convince your dad. You just sat there while your dad got the sheriff to cart us away!"

"Are you really naive enough to think he'd listen to me?"

"Well, duh, you're his right hand man, his little minion. What I didn't know is that you were such a coward."

Beck was standing now, advancing towards Milo rapidly, but Milo was the one who threw the first punch this time. His blow barely glanced off Beck's cheek, and he wasn't able to attempt another attack before Beck grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.

Standing there, stunned, Milo wasn't oblivious to Beck's height and muscle mass advantage, but he struggled anyways, only relenting when Beck twisted his arm harder.

"You were different around her! That's why Annette could stand to be around you, you idiot!"

"Yeah? Was I less of a pain to be around, less of a constant reminder that your dad will always love my mom? Or do you actually believe the truth, that Louis just used my mom to get over his dumb little heartbreak?" Milo didn't bother to control his voice anymore, he was sure Louis could hear what he was yelling, nor did he try to make any of what he was saying coherent, he had reached the point where the dam he'd been building for so many years couldn't take it anymore. He knew it wasn't fair to unload all of his hate for Louis on Beck, but he didn't really care, "Did he tell you all the promises he made to my mom after he ran back to her in college? Did you know my mom was in the room when Rochelle called from the university saying she was six months pregnant with you? My mom told your dad to go back to her. He was just as indecisive as you are, and she gave up the person she loved so that you could have a father. Rochelle never gave my mom the same courtesy when she ended up carrying freakin' Louis' child, either. You act like it's so strange that I never liked you when I have every reason to hate you!" Milo's throat was burning from so much yelling so rapidly, and he'd have liked very much to sit down, but Beck was on the concrete bench, so it was deemed enemy territory.

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