Chapter 10 - A sorry story

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  • Dedicated to Ellie Sturla

Chapter 10 - A sorry story

Ariiayla's POV

I turned on the telly, but making sure it was quiet enough so not to wake Noah up any earlier than needed. He awoke though, about 5 minutes later, he looked at me, I looked at him, and tears began to roll down his face, which of course started me right off. I crawled over to him on the bed,

"I'm so sorry Noah, I didn't mean what I said, I didn't think, I was just upset and scared, it wasn't your fault and I love you so much" I sobbed,

"It's okay, I know, I know, I was just angry and pissed off. I couldn't save you Arii and that really hurts, I'm sorry" I hugged him. We stayed in each other's arms for a while and wiped our eyes, I then said,

"Are you feeling better?"

"Than yesterday, yeah definitely" I smiled, then asked,

"What happened yesterday?" He froze for a moment before getting up,

"I'm going to the loo",

"Don't block me out Noah"

"I'm not"

I laid back on the bed turning up the volume. Noah came out 10 minutes later looking much more refreshed, despite the bashed up face of course. He smiled and jumped on the bed next to me, "Where's Keane and Tayte?"

"Out getting some food"

"Good, I'm, I must be feeling better" I smiled. We watched a little telly until there was a knock at the door,

"It's us" Was hollered,

"And who is us?" I called back and Noah laughed.

"You know our voices, open the door," I got up and opened it, Tayte grabbed me, I squealed laughing,

"Nice to see you looking better" Keane said,

"Nice to feel better" Noah replied,

"Tay' put me down" I shrieked,

"No can do", he replied parading around the room,

"I'm hungry"

"Tayte come on man" Keane said getting the grub out the bag,

"Spoil sport" Tayte said. We ended up eating the McDonald's on the bed (All large meals if I may add) watching the Jason Statham film 'Death Race', this finished around 3pm. Noah got up,

"You're not going to be sick are you?" Keane asked, he smiled,

"No, just to the loo". Once he'd locked the door Tayte pounced on me,

"Nice to see you've made up" Keane said,

"I don't know what you mean" I answered wrapping my arms around Tayte's neck, he lifted me up. Keane just smiled, we then heard a thud and a crash in the bathroom,

"Shit" We heard Noah say,

"Noah, you alright?" Keane asked,

"Yeah", he came out a few minutes later and stood looking at us all.

Keane's POV

He'd been crying and had tried to cover it up. I could tell from a mile off, he was not tricking me, I knew him way to well.

"Noah" I tried,

"I'm going for a walk" he said,

"I don't think so" I replied and walked over to him,

"I won't be long"

"No" I said blocking the door,

"Please" He said tears forming. This then melted my heart, because I hated my brother being upset,

"Only if I come with you" I compromised, he nodded and I opened the door, "Back in a bit, nothing naughty" Arii blushed,

"How naughty?" Tayte asked, I mouthed piss off and shut the door. Noah was at the end of the corridor,

"What's going on with you hey?" I asked, he stayed silent until we got outside and reached a bench,

"Those guys who beat me up..." he started,

"What about them?" I said through gritted teeth,

"I...I was looking at one of them, another noticed me and said 'what you looking at pretty boy; and I replied 'not your ugly face'...the 4 of them then came over..."

"4 vs. 1, chicken shits" I interrupted,

"I'm...I'm not pathetic am I? Or worthless?"

"Did they tell you that?" He nodded. I knew Noah was very sensitive despite the fact he could fly off his handle too, "You are not pathetic, or worthless...those bunch of shits are those things"

"You love me don't you?" He said tears beginning to reform in his eyes,

"With all my heart baby bro, why?"

"They said no one would ever love a shitty little no good fag like me", he sobbed, "I know I'm 19 and shouldn't be crying like a baby over this but..." A red mist blurred my vision, anger forming, Noah looked at me, I wiped his tears gently with my thumbs and then pulled him in for a hug,

"You listen to me, I love you, always have done and always will do, the same goes for Arii and Tayte...don't you dare think otherwise or listen to any brain dead fucking homophobe okay...and Noah, you are not a baby because you cry okay...don't be ridiculous". I wanted to ask him how they knew he was gay, but thought against it at this moment in time. We stayed there until he'd calmed down, "Thank you for telling me"

"Thank you for being my big brother" I smiled and we headed back inside, "You never cry Keane"

"Believe me, I can"

"I know you can, everyone can, but you just don't"

"One day I'm sure you'll witness me crying Noah". As we climbed the stairs I said, "You well enough for us to head back on the road tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure"

"Good, because I'm getting bored of services", he smiled,

"Don't tell Arii about what happened" He said,

"Noah I..."

"Please, I don't want her to worry"

"I think it's a little too late for that"

"She doesn't need to know" I wasn't going to argue with him,

"Fine, that's your call". We reached the door which Tayte opened and gave Noah a hug.

"What was that for?" Noah asked once he'd pulled away,

"Because I love you doofus, am I not allowed to hug you", Noah just smiled, but I know he appreciated it.

"Is Arii asleep?" I asked,

"Yeah, I tired her out after all the sex", Tayte said,

"Don't even joke dude, really" I said, he laughed,

"She's not asleep, go tickle her and find out", Noah headed over and before he'd even touched her she squealed and dashed up,

"No tickling, I'm not asleep"

"Even more reason to tickle you", we ganged up on her and tickled her until she was on the floor catching her breath.

"Dicks" She muttered, we all laughed and flopped on the bed. I'm glad nothing was asked about Noah. Yet anyway.



Love you G x

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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