Chapter 33 - On the edge of the wing

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  • Dedicated to Tom Waddicor

Chapter 33 - On the edge of the wing

Keane's POV

It was the morning of the day we were going to America; the early, early hours of the morning. I was only awake because I couldn't sleep. I rolled over in my bed, (Oh I'd thankfully done my Christmas shopping with Tayte by the way.)

"Keane, are you awake?" Noah asked. He was sleeping beside me. Ever since Angelo left 4 days ago, he's kind of been depressed. So he said he was going to be with me, like we were twins attached at the hip. He spoke to Angelo about the whole deal with America and he took it well. Well, not the whole 'I might be moving to America' thing. But the, 'I'm going to America for Christmas for 3 weeks and when I come back then things are going to get serious because I have to decide what to do' thing was okay. Noah was in total distress however in what to do; he'd been giving me a constant headache. But I was never going to tell him that, I love him too much to offend him.

"Yeah, I can't sleep" I replied,

"Are you looking forward to this?"

"No" I answered truthfully,

"Me neither...Angelo, he really...I don't know what to do?"

"You will,"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, you will know the right decision when the time is right"

"I hope you're right"

"I'm always right," he smiled and I didn't have to see him to know that, "Now go back to sleep, it's going to be a long day"

"I'll go to sleep if you do"

"I'm not tired"

"Neither am I"

"Shut up and go to sleep"

"Urgh, fine, remind me why I put up with you Keane?"

"Because I'm your big brother and you love me"

"Hmm true"

"Settled, now go to sleep"


"Boys, you have to get up now, we're leaving for the airport in an hour" Mum said gently, we opened our eyes,

"Mmmm, okay" We replied, she smiled and left. I looked at the time 5.00am. We did manage to fall back to sleep then. I sat up,


"What?" Noah asked.

"Nothing" I muttered getting up, grabbing my crutches, I headed into the bathroom to attempt to have a shower. Hmm, this was going to be difficult.

It actually went better than I thought. Well, that was until I slipped on some water. I screamed in pain then. (Typical, because I was dressed and everything and just about to leave the room)

"KEANE" Tayte, who I didn't even know was here came running into my bathroom,

"Kill me now" I groaned, shutting my eyes, he helped me up carefully, "....breathe, and breathe" I told myself,

"Look, how the hell are you going to cope?" Tayte said,

"Shut up I will" I interrupted, "Your coming aren't you" he smiled.

"What happened?" Noah said running in,

"Too late little bro..."

"He fell and fucked his leg up even more than it already is"

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