Chapter 2:Detention...Wait What

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(Picture of Ryder) ~~>

Dedicated to TheGirlThatLaughs_ thanks for following me and also for being an awesome writer you guys should really read her books they are goooood she is truly talented


Chapter 2 Detention...Wait What

The weekend passed by too fast for my liking. Saturday I spent sleeping, Sunday I just watched TV until I remembered I had to do my essay so I spent all night typing away. I fell asleep at 1:00 am and when I woke up it was 7:45 and I had 15 minutes until class started. Once I saw the time I shot up my bed and headed to the bathroom brushed my teeth and I just put my hair to a high pony tail got whatever clothes I found and headed out, there was no time for breakfast so I just ran outside to see Sandra waiting for me at least she waited.

"Hurry your ass up Savannah I was about to leave" dam she's mad when she's mad well let's say it's not pretty

"Am going am going" I say as I get in the car "sorry it's just that I was up all night doing my essay"

"No excuses now let's just hope were not late or next time you're walking" she says sending me one last glare before we sped off to school

the car ride was silent and its very weird because well its Sandra and she rarely quite once we got to school we still had 5 minutes since we had are lockers next to each other we walked together but she was still quite it was killing me that she wasn't talking

"What's wrong Sandra why aren't you talking?" I asked her while I punched in my combination

"Oh nothing I was just thinking" she said but you could tell she was lying she kept her head down and that's what she always does when she's lying

"Are you sure because you kn-"

"What do you care Savannah there my problems not yours okay so just drop it" her sudden outburst caught me off guard and cause me to take a few step back

"Oh okay sorry" I said barley above a whisper

"Listen Savannah am sorry it's just I have a lot of things going through my head okay I'll see you at lunch okay" she gave me a hug before she headed toward he class

The warning bell rang and shut my locker and headed to English

Mr. Carlson was the teacher that could put anyone to sleep I think he could even put the history teacher to sleep "okay class take out your essays I assigned you" there were a lot of people saying how they didn't do it ,as I was looking for my paper I couldn't find it and Mr. Carlson was getting closer but I couldn't find my paper I spent all night doing it how could I not put it in my backpack, then it hit me I never printed it so I never put it in my backpack fuck so I spent all night for nothing

"Ms. Walker do you have your paper?" he said

"Well you see Mr. Carlson I did do my paper but I forgot to print it therefore I don't have it with me" I said with a smile at the end

"Well am sorry Savannah but you're going to attend de-"he was cut off by the door slamming open

"Mr. Knight is glad you decided to attend class today, do you have you essay"

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