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grayson had been in the hospital for 128 days, or 18 weeks, or about four months. today, we were finally able to bring him home. his heart was working properly and he was breathing on his home. he was still the size of a newborn, but i was still beyond excited to bring him home.

i quickly buckled his carseat into the backseat, sliding in beside him. kian pulled out of the parking lot, and drove on the direction of our house. the ride home was rather silent, but it was comfortable. neither of us could express our happiness.

when we got home, some of our close friends and family sat in the living room. a welcome home banner was hung sloppily on the banister. droopy streamers and half blown up baloons littered the ceiling, but i wouldn't want it any other way.

"he's finally home. how are you feeling?" jc asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. i smiled widely, leaning into him.

"i've never felt so relieved in my life," i replied.

i pulled grayson out of his carrier, and cradled him close to my chest. there was no denying he looked like kian already. he was handsome, and strong, and the best thing in my life. kian was a close second.

everyone was here for about an hour before they decided to leave. i was thankful because i was exhausted, and grayson and kian were too.

i laid grayson in the crib beside kian and i's bed, and slowly fell into bed. kian chuckled, pulling me close to him. i kissed his lips, hugging him tightly.

"thank you for accidentally getting my pregnant because you forgot a condom. your stupidity has brought me immense happiness," i smiled. he rolled his eyes.

"it takes two to tango. i might have forgot but you didn't remind me," kian argued. this time, i rolled my eyes.

"okay. whatever you say," i dragged out. he pulled out his phone, quickly logging into his twitter account.

"we will see who is right, my fans don't lie," he smirked. i smacked his chest lightly.

"you asked your fans about our sex life and the conception of our child?" i gasped, my face beet red. he nodded.

"i started a poll, and asked for responses. they are coming in quite rapidly," he chuckled.

i grabbed my phone from our bedside table, and searched his twitter. and as he promised, tweets were rolling in.

"ha-ha. i am winning. the dolan twins sided with me. you know how it goes, wrap it before you tap it," i joked. he rolled his eyes, wrapping his long arm around my shoulder.

"okay, it looks like you have won with a 89 to 11 percent vote. and i have been called an idiot, so there you go," he pouted.

"i would kiss you because you look extremely adorable, but i finally win. i want to thank my mom and dad and my brother. i have never-." kian put his hand over my mouth, muting anything else that could possibly come out of my mouth.

"i am so in love with you," he smiled, kissing me softly. i nodded, hugging him tightly.

there was no doubt that i loved kian. i was in love with everything about him, even the parts i hated at times. i could imagine spending forever with him for sure. he gave me my son, undeniable love, constant compliments, and immense happiness. he is all i could ask for.

"what are you thinking about?" he asked, his lips brushing my temple. i shrugged, softly smiling at him.

"i'm just thinking about how much i love you. that you mean the whole entire world to me," i replied. he smiled, pulling me close to him.

he didn't reply, just held me tightly to him. minutes later his grip remained tight, but soft snores escaped his lips. and soon after that, i was asleep as well.

i had just fallen asleep when grayson's crying woke me up. i wasted no time going over to his crib, and holding him close to me. his crying quieted down the second i picked him up.

i quietly walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle. i paced the room as grayson ate. i was still extremely sleepy, barely able to keep my eyes open.

i planted a soft kiss to grayson's forehead, burping him when he was done. what i thought was a burp was clearly not, and i ended up with throw up down my shoulders and in my hair. i simply laughed, and headed back upstairs.

this was the most accurate description of motherhood in the book. you love it even when you hate it. no matter what happens, its still a pleasure. even the disgusting parts.

i quickly snapped a picture, and uploaded it to instagram. i loved posting the good and bad parts of my life. it showed that i was human, and normal things happen to me, whether my boyfriend is famous or not.

when you wake up at 3 am to feed your baby, and end up getting a shoulder soaked with vomit. welcome to motherhood. its a rollercoaster ride. 👶🏻💓

i peeled off all of my clothes after rinsing them off in the sink. i hopped into the shower, washing my body and rinsing the vomit out of my hair. i quickly dried myself off, redressed, and hopped into bed.

kian was still sound asleep, and still snoring. i lifted his arm, and wrapped it around myself. he tightened his grip around me, and shifted slightly but never woke up.

soon enough, my very heavy eyelids fell closed, and i drifted off to sleep. i was exhausted, and happy to be asleep again.


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