The Lucky One

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You sat at the table across from Harry in the swanky restaurant. You'd been there a couple times before, but it didn't make you less nervous this time around. You tried your best to focus on your meal and not the room where no doubt other celebrities sat eating dinner. It wasn't necessarily that you felt unworthy to be seated near them, you were with Harry after all, and he always made you feel at ease. You just wanted to show them respect and not gawk.

Lifting your fork to your mouth, your eyes met Harry's and he gave you a slow grin. Chewing, you laid your fork down on your plate and grabbed your napkin, dabbing your mouth with it. You felt yourself blush at Harry's gaze.

"You're so pretty," he said.

"Thank you," you replied shyly, reaching for your glass of water.

It was then that something caught your attention out of the corner of your eye. You turned your head to see a man walked towards the bathrooms, and although you could only see his back, he looked familiar. A little too familiar.

"What is it, love?" asked Harry, peeling your gaze away from the man momentarily.

"Oh," you gave a tight smile. "Nothing."

"You sure?" he pressed.

You nodded, grabbing another forkful of your food. But you were no longer hungry.

It couldn't have been him... could it?

Your question was answered two minutes later when the man returned from the hallway that led to the restrooms. He looked older, yet exactly the same as you remembered. His eyes met yours and before you were able to shift your gaze, he walked over to your table.

"[Y/N]!" he exclaimed with a toothy grin. "What are you doing here?"

"," you pursed your lips and looked at Harry, then back at your old high school crush. "Having dinner."

"Well, obviously," Jacob rolled his eyes. "So do I get a hug?"

You were sure your cheeks were pink as you rose from your chair to embrace him.

"It's good to see you," said Jacob as you pulled back. "You"

You let out a small giggle that escaped your mouth as Jacob gave you the once over, his hand on your elbow. Suddenly you heard someone clear their throat and you silently cursed yourself.

"Harry," you turned to him, "This is-"

"Jacob," he interrupted, rising from his chair. "Yeah, I heard that part."

He held his hand out to shake Jacob's, his brows furrowed. "Harry Styles."

"Oh yeah," Jacob nodded as they shook hands. "Yeah, I know you."

Harry's eyes widened. "Have we met before?"

"No, I just meant.." Jacob waved his hand, "I know who you are."


You glared at Harry, sensing his disdain for the other man. Jacob shoved his hands in his pockets and looked back at you.

"So, what have you been up to?"

You heard Harry sigh as he sat back down, no longer wishing to be part of the conversation.

"Oh...busy with work, you know," you shrugged. "I work in public relations now."

"Awesome, how's that going?" Jacob inquired.

"Pretty good," you beamed. "That's how I met Harry."

You returned your gaze to Harry who gave a tight smile. When you looked back at Jacob, you could've sworn he was rolling his eyes.

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