Magic Kingdom

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A/N: something special for the Niall girls.

"Daddy, are we going to Cinderella's castle?" asked your oldest as you held her hand.

"You bet we are," replied Niall, pushing your little boy in the stroller.

"Yay!" your daughter danced.

"Dat!" your son pointed.

"What lil man?" Niall asked.

"Dat! Dat!"

You and Niall both followed your son's tiny finger. Realizing what he was pointing at, Niall rolled his eyes.

"All the stuff to see here, and my kid wants ice cream."

You chuckled as you shook your head. But much to your surprise, Niall began to push the stroller toward the ice cream stand.

"Baby, we just got here," you scoffed.

"So," he shrugged. "Today is all about being a kid. And my kids are gonna be spoiled today. So ice cream it is."

"Do I get one too, Daddy?" your little girl piped up.

"Of course, darlin'," Niall grinned. "What kind would ya like?"

"Strawberry!" she squealed. "With sprinkles!"

"You got it."

Standing in line behind your family, your heart filled with pride at the sight of them. You couldn't help but smile. You watched Niall hand a small cone to his son, then a slightly larger one to his daughter. She took it with glee, swiping her tongue across it.

"You forgot to ask Mommy what she wants!" your little girl exclaimed.

"I'm good," you grinned.

"You don't want any ice cream?" she inquired.

"We can share," Niall offered as he turned around with his own cone.

You chuckled as you eyed the mile high swirl. "Good idea. I doubt you could finish that yourself."

"I could," he raised his brows, "but I'm trying to be nice."

You giggled, taking the cone from him. "If you say so."

You continued with your family down Main Street, stopping every few feet it seemed to look at something. Your daughter spotted Goofy, trying to run to him and nearly pulling your arm out of its socket. You called for her to slow down until she finally released your grasp and wrapped her little arms around the stranger in the costume.

You heard Niall's hearty laugh behind you as he caught up. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he took a quick picture. Then he pushed your son up to Goofy, letting him grab his big finger, snapping another photo.

It was then that you noticed the chocolate all over your little boy's face. As you reached down into the bottom of the stroller to grab the baby wipes, you heard your daughter cheer.

"Mommy, look!"

Standing up, you turned to see a parade of characters coming toward you, all from Alice In Wonderland. They waved as they passed by, your little girl by your side waving back.

"You alright, Angel?" you suddenly heard to your right.

"Who me?" you blinked.

"Yeah. You look like you're about to cry."

You sucked in your lips, realizing that your eyes were indeed wet. You sniffed, wiping your cheeks with the back of your hand.

"I'm fine," you assured him.

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